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      Creature that does not fear man
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      It seems your animal studies on the southeast continent are going well. In that case, would you accept this research request? Most wild animals are afraid of humans and don't come near. But you can hear stories from Kakadu about an animal that actually is curious about people. Gather information and investigate this animal.
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                    [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [DBLINK:10000158] - Talk to Seafarer 2. [DBLINK:10000160] - Talk to Shipwright (3x) 3. [ZONE:90001084] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] near the Stacked Boulders in the center. [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99995058] [IMG:22][QUEST:99995089] [IMG:23] Currently here. Unlocks: [IMG:31][QUEST:99995178] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Very friendly bird A creature that draws near to people? Hmm, I remember hearing something about that in a town called Wanganui. When I went there for work, someone said something about there being a really friendly bird. If you're going to look into it, why not ask one of the locals in person? Wanganui in on the island to the far southeast of here. [IMG:01] I'll never forget A really friendly bird? Oh, I know those things far too well... There's no way I could forget. I was in the outskirts of town gathering Timber for some repairs. I woke up from a nap to hear a terrible noise in the area around me. When I looked over, I saw several of those birds making mischief with my trade tools. [IMG:01] Falling tears I thought they'd scatter if I moved near them, but they didn't give any sign of that at all. Quite the opposite, they bit and pulled at my clothes with their sharp beaks. My tools were battered. And my clothes and timber were left in an awful state. For the first time in many years, I broke down and cried... [IMG:01] I can recall their features very well. They had dark green bodies and long sharp beaks. You'll know them when they're flying, though, because the back of their wings have an orange color. Well, instead of being really friendly, these birds love to make a load of trouble. If you go looking for them, watch out if any of your clothes are hanging out. [IMG:06] Investigation of bird that likes mischief The birds that are not afraid of people apparently approach humans out of curiosity and love to make mischief. So be careful not to relive the Shipwright's ordeal. Head for the outskirts of Wanganui and search for the bird.

                      • Discovery
                      • Kea ★★★ (Bird) Exp:462 Fame:210
                        A bird that lives high in the mountains near the border of forests. It is covered in olive-colour green feathers, but the underside of its wings are a pretty orange colour. It is very friendly to humans.

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