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Whereabouts of the fleet
No Expiration
London Maritime Guild
Contact was lost recently with a fleet that headed out to suppress Vikings. Such a collection of warships wouldn't be phased by a common storm or pirates. Search for them and, if they've been sunk, punish the perpetrators. I've a bad feeling about this....


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1.[ZONE:90005173] - 항구관리와 대화
2.[ZONE:90005385] - 주인과 대화
3.[ZONE:90005385] - 뱃사람과 3번 대화
4.[ZONE:90005384] - 항구관리와 대화
5.[ZONE:90000034] - 스톡홀름 출항 후 전열함 10대와 전투
- 발트해 에서 북동쪽으로 끝까지 가야 합니다. 만 깊숙히 들어가야합니다 -
- 10 [DBLINK:50000019] with dura 980 and 100 crew
포는 절대로 끼지 마세요 적이 포를 파괴시켜 버리니까여 백병도 퇴각하려하니깐.
풀팟으로 해야할만큼 어렵고 해군호위신청이 있으면 수월하겠군여
백병으로 덤비는게 좋을듯..합니다
[IMG:01] 돌아오지 않는 함대
함대는 스톡홀름으로부터 북쪽을 향해, 보스니아 만의 안쪽에서 토벌을 끝냈습니다. 그 직후에 스톡홀름에 토벌 성공을 보고하는 배를 보냈습니다. 그러나, 함대는 돌아오지 않았다…. 그 후, 해군이 보스니아 만을 빠짐없이 수색했습니다만, 끝내 아무것도 찾아낼 수 없었던 것 같습니다
[IMG:01] 유일한 가능성
뭐라고? 바이킹 토벌 함대가 사라졌다고? 그 거대한 함대가…. 폭풍우에 휩쓸려 침몰당한 건 아니겠지? 아니야, 그 때는 좋은 날씨였었다. 설마 그 함대를 전멸시킬 정도의 함대가 있는 것은…, 아니, 설마…
[IMG:01] 수호신
자네와 주인의 대화, 들어버렸지. 몰래 엿들은 것에 대한 사과로 좋은 이야기를 들려줄게. 바이킹들 중에는 토르라고 하는 신을 수호신으로 하고 있는 무리가 많다. 뭐니뭐니해도, 토르는 번개를 사용하는 싸움의 신이거든
[IMG:01] 번개의 수호
그래, 지금은 단순한 수호신이다. 하지만 옛날엔 정말로 토르의 가호를 받은 일족이 있었던 것 같아. 이 일족은 토르의 상징인 번개에 의해 지켜지고, 그들의 노여움을 산 사람은, 비록 어떤 사람이라도 똑같이 멸망의 벌을 받았다고 한다. 그 함대를 전멸시킬 수 있는 것은 이런 옛날이야기 속의 녀석 정도야
[IMG:01] 파괴의 빛
또 하나, 그 일족과의 싸움에서는 철로 만들어진 무기를 의미를 잃어버리게 된다고 한다. 그들을 수호하는 번개가, 철을 죄다 파괴하기 때문이라나. 뭐, 어디까지나 전설이니까. 진심으로 받아 들이지는 말게
[IMG:01] 낮게 드리우는 암운
그러고 보니 바이킹 토벌의 성공을 보고한는 배가 이 도시에 도착했을 대 이상한 광경을 보았습니다. 그 날은 좋은 날씨여서 구름도 없었지만, 북쪽의 하늘에만 새까만 구름이 한 첨 걸려 있었습니다. 그런 것을 본 것은 처음이었습니다.
[IMG:01] 갱신 후 의뢰 내용
바이킹 토벌로 향한 함대의 행방을 찾는 의뢰를 받고 있다.
[IMG:06] 보스니아만에
함대는 누군가의 습격을 받았다고 생각된다. 여기부터는 그 무리의 토벌도 시야에 넣어 보스니아 만의 안쪽에 함대를 찾으러 가자. 스톡홀름의 전언은 사실인지 아닌지 의심스럽지만, 무리는 함대를 전멸시킬 정도의 전력을 가지고 있을 가능성이 크다. 방심은 할 수 없다
토르의 가호자
<과부 그즈리즈르의 갑옷을 랜덤으로 준다고 한다.>

Port Official
what kind of ships do you fight?

10 vaisseau

They have magical item, Thor's thunder, dealing damage to your fleet and destroy your cannons... It isnt a quest that could be done easily

they use what cannons?

this quest good for lvling evasion though 10 vaisseau

I am pretty sure this is the hardest NPC fight in the game. All cannons get destroyed at the beginning and they keep hitting you with thunder after that (each on has a thunder shot it seems, dealing 100-200 damage). Then in melee they keep using bells so you absolutely need restriction if you want to plunder them! Sure you can AOS them and win the quest but getting the memorial album items is much, much harder. Best to fleet up and spam the request convoy skill!

Ghost ship quest is hardest :P

Ghost ship quest is hardest :P

is this quest repeatable?

is this quest repeatable? i did it once but didnt got the armour.. can i do it again? would like to join anyone who wanna do it

you'll fight 10 vaisseaus, they use Thors Thunder during battle, which deals approximate 200 damage and burns your cannon, all your cannons will be destroyed during this battle

Yes, you can repeat the quest!
Just curious, do amulets of the sun work on this fleet, or are they immune to that sort of tactic like ghost ships are? Thanks in advance.
You can use AoS, or any other magic item on them (I think that restriction only applies to Ghost ships, unsure of Ganador) but your have to spam it pretty quickly because these guys hit hard, and like the other commenters said... they can also use magic items, like Thor's thunder, on you! Your likely need at least one other player to assist you with this fight.
I'll be sure to not try the quest without amulet-equipped friends along for the fun, in that case. Thanks kindly, mate!
I've been wanting to do this quest for the MA item. Anyone interested in teaming up this weekend?
Good luck! I was doing this quest last night and gave up trying to melee in the end and settled using AOS.
These bastards will always, I mean always use bells on withdrawal and no matter how many navy I called into battle, I just couldn't seem to do it.
To Makes things worse, I burned about 100qmps to pull this quest and when I did finally beat it and turned in, all I got were the meteora cannons on all 3 of my toons!
Hard and really cool battle for sure just don't expect the Viking armour.
As noted in MarcoS' excellent plunder guide:
"I've heard players not getting the armour as a reward after completing the quest. I'm not sure why just make sure you have enough inventory space. I remember it being quite a tough battle so might be best to complete in a fleet with anyone else wanting the armour."
Maybe it's just a really rare quest reward? There is an alternative NPC fleet you can hunt, which his guide gives stats on here:
Cheers, and may all your viking MA hunting be successful.
It is a really easy plunder but the fleet is a little bugged, better to do solo. sail NW off scotland until you don't see any land visible on your compass map, bottom right. don't use caution, use a small, light ship with around 25 crew. Stick close to the admiral, this fleet is bugged and will sail out of battle even the admiral. Stick close to the admiral and he won't leave the battle, very easy plunder really. I think the gudrid reward from doing this quest might have a time lock-out for the armour, i'm not sure. fleet you're looking for is 'bounty' made of pinnaces IIRC
I've done a bit of research on this quest. According to J-Wiki:
The quest begins to appear at battle fame 31149 or higher
After talking to the port official in Stockholm, the quest changes to a second part; this is when the Thor's Guardians fleet becomes findable as a target
Fleet coordinates are 968,1663, or thereabouts (due north of Kokkola in the Gulf of Bothnia section of the Baltic Sea)
There are always 10 enemy ships, regardless of your fleet's size
Thor's thunder is used at the start of the battle, "Damage of around 150 to the fleet + almost certainly cannon 1 destroyed"
Thor's thunder is repeated if/when any reinforcements join it on your side
Bells of Withdrawal are constantly used by enemy ships; Corvus + Restriction (Aide Skill) could negate this, however -- untested by me at this time
When one enemy ship is defeated, "all the remaining enemy ships use the "Seal of Gnome" (damage of about 35 on a single unit and randomly destroys cannons on a target ship)."
Quest reward on reporting is always Stern Meteora. The fleet itself has these listed as drops:
Fur, Amber, Thor's thunder (MA item), and of course, Gudrid the Widow's armour (MA item)
It is fully possible to get both the Thor and Gudrid drops by using Amulet of the Sun; on our first try with the quest, AoS spam got Thor's thunder as a drop for a fleetmate, while on a second quest run, I got Gudrid through AoS spam, while my fleetmates did not. Given that items dropped by NPCs from AoS use can also be plundered from enemy ships, that means there's a good chance the thunder/armor could also be stolen through melee, as long as you can overcome the enemy's love for Bells.
That said, MarcoS' listed fleet NW of Scotland (also confirmed/seconded by Donce under the Gudrid article page) is still the easier source for Gudrid armor in my opinion, but if you really want to keep trying to get either of the MA items from this NPC group, it's not impossible.
Idea: run the quest with as many fleet members as you can. When it comes time to talk to the Port Official in Stockholm (last step before fleet appears), have only one person do this step. The rest can tag along while that person draws the fleet out, and after beating it, a second fleet member can talk to the Port Official, causing the target fleet to appear now for them.
Whether you melee them with Aide skills and an EX weapon, or through spamming Amulets of the Sun (three castings in a row usually spell doom for one or more of the enemy ships, admiral included), it is apparently quite possible to achieve your goals. Just be sure to have inventory slots clear when you go hunting, eh? Cheers, and favorable plunder drops to you.
JP Quest Info: gvdb.mydns.jp/db/module/QuestDB/action/QuestShow?id=3949
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