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Island of strange rocks
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
I have received a letter of gratitude from the town official of Ambonia for surveying the island of Tasmania. And there is a new survey request for you beacuse of your expertise until now. He would like you to investigate what other islands might lie south of the continenet. You should ask around at Hobart on the island of Tasmania. Alright then, I'm counting on you



- Member
- Language/Edit History


Esperanzo - Talk to Seafarer

Esperanzo - Talk to Maiden (At the waters edge)
South Australian Sea Basin - Use
Observe and
Recognition at the lone island just off the coast (around 6505, 6670)
Edited by:DreadPirateWesley
Footsteps of those who came before 


Van Diemen's Land 

1. South shore is a deer paradise
Yeah, if you head just north-west of here there is a long, thin island stretching from east to west. It's not that far from the mainland so if you just sail along the coast you should be able to find it no problem. Just be careful if you land on the southern coast of the island. There is a huge group of sea lions on the coast there.

2. Absent residents
I heard there are a lot of animals on the island to the north-west that you don't see around here, especially birds. I don't think anyone lives there though. Oh, supposedly there are also a lot of weird shaped rocks up there too. Remember that and I'm pretty sure you should be able to figure out exactly which island it is.

3. Island north west of Hobart
There is an island full of sea lions and rare birds to the north-west of Hobart. There are also many strangely shaped rocks there. I should go assess the area there and write up a report about it.
Quest Mediation Permit
Kangaroo Island
발견 시 - 모험경험 270, 발견물 카드 획득 시 - 모험경험 67
보고 시 - 모험경험 300, 모험명성 100, 의뢰알선서 4장
- Discovery
Kangaroo Island ★★ (Geography) Exp:270 Fame:135
An island southeast of Australia. It was discovered by Mathew Flinders of England. Many varieties and types of animals live here. The land itself is diverse, and inland there are caves and deserts, as well as one gargantuan boulder.