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      A large black stone
      No Expiration
      Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
      Raul down at the tavern received something from a sailor from the west. But he doesn't know what it is and is frankly a little disturbed. Try to set his heart at ease, would you? Go talk to him.
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                    [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005702] - Raul 2.[ZONE:90005702] - Maiden (Near the coast) 3.[ZONE:90001070] - South West Merida(around Stacked Boulders) [DBLINK:90001070] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Raul and suspicion Well, i received a block of obsidian, but have no idea what to do with it. It's surfaced is polished, so it looks almost like a mirror, but why would i want to see my face in a black stone? I heard obsidian is treated as a holy stone around here. I wonder if it's okay for me to have it? [IMG:01] 2. Tools of a Shaman Oh yes, that thing that Raul has. The shaman of these parts used it as a tool to communicate with their gods. I know, because my grandfather was a shaman. There is a shamanic ritual site outside of Merida, where shaman from differents tribes gathered. You should be able to find more of those there. [IMG:06] 3. Holy ceremonial item The stone that Raul got from the seafarer wasa tool used by Meso-American shaman for communicating with their gods. It should do him no harm, as it was created for mythic purposes. I should be able to find more of the same if i search south-west of Merida. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:70000933]

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                      • Mirror ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:220 Fame:110
                        A mirror made from a piece of flat polished obsidian. The shamans of Mesoamerica used mirrors to communicate with the god world.

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