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A large black stone
No Expiration
Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
Raul down at the tavern received something from a sailor from the west. But he doesn't know what it is and is frankly a little disturbed. Try to set his heart at ease, would you? Go talk to him.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Portobelo - Raul
Portobelo - Maiden (Near the coast)
Southwest Merida - South West Merida(around Stacked Boulders)

1. Raul and suspicion
Well, i received a block of obsidian, but have no idea what to do with it. It's surfaced is polished, so it looks almost like a mirror, but why would i want to see my face in a black stone? I heard obsidian is treated as a holy stone around here. I wonder if it's okay for me to have it?

2. Tools of a Shaman
Oh yes, that thing that Raul has. The shaman of these parts used it as a tool to communicate with their gods. I know, because my grandfather was a shaman. There is a shamanic ritual site outside of Merida, where shaman from differents tribes gathered. You should be able to find more of those there.

3. Holy ceremonial item
The stone that Raul got from the seafarer wasa tool used by Meso-American shaman for communicating with their gods. It should do him no harm, as it was created for mythic purposes. I should be able to find more of the same if i search south-west of Merida.
Quest Mediation Permit
- Discovery
Mirror ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:220 Fame:110
A mirror made from a piece of flat polished obsidian. The shamans of Mesoamerica used mirrors to communicate with the god world.