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      One aiming to become the ultimate king
      No Expiration
      Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
      A scholar is researching the "War of the Stars" that took place in ancient Mutul, and he would like you, the disoverer of the Palenque Ruins, to help him. He would like you to look into how the war started. Ask the scholar at Merida and Veracruz.
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                [IMG19,Quest guide]
                1. Merida - Travelling Scholar
                2. Veracruz - Travelling Scholar
                3. Mayan Lowlands - Mayan lowlands - Near the entrance Observe Search

                Battle of The Stars 10 12 1 Palenque

                [IMG16,Obtained info]
                1. Kaloomte of Mutul
                At that time, the Mutul were protected by the great city of Teotihuacan and held conrtol of the Mayan empire. However, the Calakmul were also after this power. The Calakmul managed to divide the countries under Mutul rule and eventually were able to surround the Mutul.

                2. Counterattack of Calakmul
                The Calakmul were able to separate two large cities from the Mutul. One would eventually try to break free from the Calakmul but the other opposed the Mutul to the very end. Since they invaded the Mutul multiple times there is a good chance you can find many of their remains there today.

                3. An ancient war
                The "War of the Stars" involved the Calakmul attacking the Mutul who had long since had control of the empire. By executing carefully planned attacks, the Calakmul were able to win over a city that was once part of the Mutul empire and gain the control they desired. There should be many remnants of the battles fought near Palenque.

                Quest Mediation Permit

                The Ornament of Lord Water

                발견시 경험치 360, 카드 경험치 90
                보고시 경험치 240, 명성 160, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                  • Discovery
                  • The Ornament of Lord Water ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:360 Fame:180
                    An ornament of the king of Caracol. Yajaw Te' K'inich II was a king who invaded T'ikal in the war of stars.

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