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      Record of Cortes's adventures
      No Expiration
      Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
      We received a request from an aristocraft in Europe. They want to know the latest news about Cortes's expedition. Apparently, someone in the military must be keeping records. If you go to the town of Merida, which Cortes had visited, you might be able to learn something. I want you to investigate this.
      •  Member
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                1. Merida - Talk to Resident (Near Gatekeeper)
                2. Veracruz - Talk to Young Man
                3. Southwest Merida - Near the "Stacked Boulders" use Observe / Search

                1. It was definitely there
                A lot of white people came here before, if that's what you're asking. There was one person who was frantically writing something down. We tried our best no to get involved with them so i really don't know what he was writing. I think they headed off to Veracruz later.

                2. There is nothing like that
                White people? Yeah, i see a lot of them come by nowadays. I don't remember if i saw someone writing something down. Maybe he didn't have time to write things as thing got busy with the exploration?

                3. Where is the record of the exploration?
                The man taking notes of Cortes's expedition was definitey seen in Merida. However, there was no site of him in Veracruz. Either he deserted the expedition or he quit. The group should be passing through the suburbs of Merida so let's go there.

                Quest Mediation Permit

                The Conquest of New Spain

                발견시 경험치 210, 카드 경험치 52
                보고시 경험치 255, 명성 170, 의뢰 알선서 4 획득

                  • Discovery
                  • The Conquest of New Spain ★★ (Treasure) Exp:210 Fame:105
                    A work by Bernard Dias who campaigned with Cortes' army. It follows his footsteps after Cortes returned home. It appears to have been discarded partway through its creation, and remains incomplete. If it were completed and made public, it would be an important record for future generations.

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