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Searching for Memory
No Expiration
Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from the daughter of Santiago, but i'm a little perplexed myself. Sometimes we get request to search for things but, we've never had to search for "memory". Aah, i am in quite a bind. Will you do this one for me?

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Santiago - Talk to Maiden
Santiago - Talk to female Resident next to Item Shop
Santiago - Talk to Barkeep
Santiago - Talk to Seafarer 2x
Santiago - Talk to Girl on the back of tavern
Santiago - Talk to Maiden
Recollections and longing 


Currently Here
Purple coloured memories 
Memories in a bottle 


Glass Perfume Bottle
Fates Intertwined 
Unlock another chain
The maiden of Habsburgs 

Searching the memory
You're the person who took up my request, right? I waited for quite a while. I had started to think the Guild had not approved it! So I'm searching for my memory. I don't have any memories from before I came to this village...But I want to remember no matter what! I think there's something that I absolutely have to recall...

That child is that child
Give up on that request! That girl is a young lady of the town, so leave it at that. Where she was born, where she came from, she's a young lady of this town...

Seriously injured and collapsed
That old lady is a substitute mother for that young lady. I think it was about 10 years ago when she came to the Caribbean islands from some lands far to the south where she was found terribly injured by a sailor. Since she was wearing the clothing of another country, she's certainly not from around here. The sailor remembers about it.

Lose your memory instead of your life
Of course I remember. The young lady....She's called "Yashi" now, but Yashi and another man were collapsed on the shore of a land in the south. The man looked like he could not be saved, but Yashi was still able to be pulled back from the brink. But as a result, she lost her memory.

A male who did not seem to have help
We left a few people and called for support from the nearest town, Santiago. That old lady also came at that time. In about 10 day's time, Yashi recovered and headed to Santiago, but the man... The old lady gave it her all nursing him.

Clothes that smell good
Yashi's name comes from the colour. Her eyes are not green, not blue, but a strange colour. In Mayan, we call that colour "Yashi". Now that you mention it, the old lady put Yashi's clothes on a ship. The clothes were very pretty and they smelled so nice.

The aroma brings back memories
It sticks with us to the very depths of our memory, doesn't it? What is the scent? When I smell it, I feel like I'll understand something...

The item being sought...
The young lady of Santiago seems to have long ago been injured and washed ashore here in the Caribbean and has lost her memory. This time I have understood that an resident of this town has been devoted substitute mother to the young lady and that there man who was washed ashore with her, also there was a certain scent wafting from her clothing. Is the scent some kind of perfume?

Reporting experience 40, Fame 50, Quest Mediation Permit reward:1