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Battle for succession
No Expiration
Aden Adventurer's Guild
Surely you know of the amazing feats of conquest by Alexander the Great? Sadly, this great military leader died suddenly on his wayback from a campaing to the East. This job is to research the ensuing conflicts over succession after Alexander's death. Someone in Hormuz knew quite a lot about Alexander, i recall...



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Hormuz - Talk to City Official
Hormuz - Talk to Rest House Master
Persian Gulf North Coast - Landing point West of Hormuz
Observe Search Pre-Requisite:
Great palace of ancient Persia 


The Ruins of Persepolis 

1. Wars of the Diadochi
When Alexander the Great was asked who would take over the empire after his death, he said, "the strongest." As a result, the empire was split by his generals. The owner of the rest area said one of them was Demetrius I, the son of Antigonus. Why don't you go talk to him?

2. Besieger
Demetrius I, or "the besieger" was aparently a very good warrior. He fell ill fighting a traditional enemy from his father's generation. If the scholar i talked to is correct, he should have landed in the harbour in the west and fought a big battle in a flat area in the southeast.

3. Deeds of Demetrios I
Antigonus, one of the successors of Alexander the Great, established the Antigonid Dynasty. His son, Demetrius I was apparently a great warrior. Sail west from Hormuz and reach the northern coast of the Persian Gulf. From there, head suthwest until you reach a vast land. You should do your search there.
Quest Mediation Permit
Demetrius I's Armour
Demetrius I's Armour
발견시 경험치 350, 카드 경험치 87, 데메트리오스 1세의 갑옷
보고시 경험치 130, 명성 140, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득
- Discovery
Demetrius I's Armour ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:350 Fame:160
Demetrius I was the son of Antigonos I, who came to power after the death of Alexander the Great. He attempted to reunify the divided territories of Alexander's Empire, but was captured and died in captivity.
Near South West Diagonal Boulder.
This quest can be acquired with the rank-13 Pyrrhus relic clue "The Epirote Wars 3" in the "Those Who Fought Rome" TH