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Large peach coloured bird
No Expiration
Calicut Adventurer's Guild
There are many large birds in Africa, perhaps due to the fact that there are high temperatures and a lot of food to be eaten. There's a pink-coloured bird there that keeps in incredibly large flocks. But it's unclear what it eats. A request has now come in asking us to investigate its living habits. Ask a Scholar in Calicut for more detailed information.



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1.[ZONE:90005586] - Talk to Scholar
2.[ZONE:90005586] - [SKILL:30000027] Read Archives Biology Book (once)
3.[ZONE:90001057] - Use [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000010] near Large Tree
[IMG:01] 1. Bird of Africa
That bird inhabits, in the main, the area from central to northern Africa, and so has been sighted in the costal regions of the Mediterranean Sea. Total height is roughly that of an adult woman. There was an old record of a sighting here, but memory fails me know. Please do check my collection yourself.
[IMG:02] 2. Investigation of a giant pink bird
Large, crimson birds can be seen between northern and central Africa. They forage in flocks at lakes and marshes. They are known to feed on aquatic plants and algae. By season, they all head for eastern Africa. More than likely there is abundant plant life in those parts.
[IMG:06] 3. Pink bird of Africa
Seems that the giant, crimson birds currently inhabit eastern Africa. Ask round whether there is a disembarkment point in northern Mogadishu. Disembark there and search the areas of the large trees in the southwest.
발견시 경험치 80, 카드 경험치 20
보고시 경험치 70, 명성 70, 의뢰 알선서 4 획득
- Discovery
Flamingo ★ (Bird) Exp:80 Fame:40
A large bird with a very long neck and long legs. It has beautiful pink wings. They live in groups of tens of thousands; to see them together is quite a spectacular sight. Although it looks like a crane, it has a different beak, indicating a different family.