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        Aden Adventurer's Guild
        So you've investigated the striped-tailed creature and the black-coated creature in Madagascar now, right? Well, now the Mozambique town official is apparently having some trouble with a similar creature. Can you help him out?
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                        [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005527] - Talk to City Official 2.[ZONE:90005530] - Talk to City Official 3.[ZONE:90005530] - Talk to Boy (End of the jetty) 4.[ZONE:90005530] - Talk to Seafarer 5.[ZONE:90001056] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] in northwest near Mammal Bones [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99994558] [IMG:22][QUEST:99994590] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994583] [IMG:24] Collar Colour [IMG:25][QUEST:99994683] [IMG:26][QUEST:99994676] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1.Fur like a collar This time a creature was discovered with a long fur growing from its ears down to tis neck, almost like the fur collar found on Europe clothes. This creature also looks very similar to the previous two you researched. Go to Tamatave and find out as much as you can about this creature. [IMG:01] 2.A white collar Yes, there is a creature that lives on this island with very long white fur growing from its neck. The only one I've seen was covered in black and white fur, but a boy here in town said he knows of a different coloured one before too. [IMG:01] 3.The red one An animal with a long neck fur? Yeah, the one I know about has red fur. Its face, stomach, legs, and long tail were all black and the top of its head was white. I heard about it from the sailor the tavern here in town. You should go ask him about it. I thought it was really interesting! [IMG:01] 4.A very loud voice If you're looking for an animal with long neck fur, there are two kinds on this island -- one with white fur and one with red fur. I've seen them just inland from the western coast of the island, but they have a very loud cry. It's more like a bark, really. When they were barking like that and jumping over top of me it was so loud I couldn't stand it. [IMG:06] 5.There are two types of creatures on this island with long neck fur that almost looks like a collar -- one with white fur and one with red fur. Both of them supposedly cry very loudly. I should head inland from the west coast of Madagascar and investigate around any mammalian bones I find. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:70000845] [DBLINK:90001056] 발견시 경험치 260, 카드 경험치 65 보고시 경험치 195, 명성 140, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                          • Discovery
                          • Ruffed Lemur ★★ (Medium-sized creature) Exp:260 Fame:130
                            They have long fur as if they're wearing a collar. There are both black fur and red fur varieties, and they both have a loud cry. They love to eat fruit.

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