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Massive creature that lurks in rivers
No Expiration
Aden Adventurer's Guild
In the rivers in Africa, there's an animal even much bigger than a crocodile. And it has an unbelievably huge mouth. Everyone is scared of it, so no one will investigate it. But would you mind looking into this yourself? There must be someone in the town of Sofala that knows something.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005523] - boy (north of city official)
2.[ZONE:90005523] - young man(west from mosque)
3.[ZONE:90001022] - northeast stacked boulder [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000010]
[IMG:21] Massive creature that lurks in rivers [DBLINK:70000500]
[IMG:01] 1. I saw white teeth
I've seen one! Back when, I went fishing with my dad. thought I saw something, and boo, some huge, wide-open mouth! And those fang-like teeth--I was terrified! One of the guys in town is said to have bagged one on a hunting trip!
[IMG:01] 2. Animal like a small mountain
They are a bashful lot during the day, but when the sun goes down and it cools down, they come out. Timid and in groups as they are, difficult to get a hold of, but get one and you're rewarded with a good quantity of meat, leather, and some great teeth. If what you're after is a closer look, just be sure not to scare them. Should be easy to find them northeast of here.
[IMG:06] 3. Wait for it to come onto land
They say the big animals in African rivers come out after it cools down. Disembark northeast of Sofala and search for a good observation point. Word is that it would be worthwhile check out the rock piles in the northwest.
- Discovery
Hippopotamus ★ (Large creature) Exp:200 Fame:100
A large animal that lives on the waterfront. It has a short, plump body, and characteristic short, fat feet. Its head, especially the mouth, is very big. In contrast, the eyes and ears are small; very peculiar features.
It's North West, not North East on the map. It's at the "Stacked Boulders" on the left-top side of the map (or North West)