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A laidback whale
No Expiration
Cape Town Adventurer's Guild
There are many different species of whales. In waters off Africa, there is apparently a lumbering whale with a funny face. Its body is covered with barnacles, supposedly. You think that's because it swims too slow? Ask some sailors around Caribibite. (NOTE: quest says ask around Caribbean, but it is really Caribibite)



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Karibib - 주점의 뱃사람과 대화
Namibia, Open Sea -
Karibib에서 서쪽으로 항해 후
좌표 485,5590 부근에서
Observe Ecological Research [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. 풍선 같은 해파리
아, 그 따개비가 잔뜩 달린 고래말인가. 녀석들은 행동이 느려서 말이지. 배로 다가가도 도망가지를 않지. 게다가 다른 고래들은 죽으면 가라앉지만 그 녀석들은 떠 있다네. 풍선처럼 말이야. 여기서부터 서쪽 앞바다에서 가끔 본다네.

2. 느긋한 고래가 있는 해역
카리비브의 서쪽 앞바다에서 따개비가 많이 달린 고래가 관찰된다고 한다. 헤엄치는 것도 느리다니까 관찰하기는 쉬울 것이다.
Quest Mediation Permit
North Pacific Right Whale
발견시 경험치 70, 카드 경험치 17
보고시 경험치 175, 명성 200, 의뢰 알선서 4 획득
- Discovery
North Pacific Right Whale ★ (Marine creature) Exp:70 Fame:35
A slow moving whale usually found in warm seas. There are many things, such as barnacles, stuck to its body. For some unknown reason, it doesn't sink after death.

THis quest is stupid. they say ask around the carribean but it should be caribibite.

Not to mention it's the North Pacific whale but you find it in South Atlantic, LOL.
in Karibib, talk to Seafarer (Tavern)
in Namibia Open Sea, use Observe and Ecological Research (West from Karibib)
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