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      Consummate beauty or devil's grin?
      No Expiration
      Athens Adventurer's Guild
      This request is from a picture dealer. Leonardo da Vinci is putting in huge effort into drawing a portrait it seems. They want you to somehow get your eyes on the picture and report on it. This is a man who almost never paints portraits, so this may not be straight forward. First off, go and talk to Michelangelo
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                  1. Venice Michelangelo Estate - Speak to Michelangelo
                  2. Venice - Speak to Craftsman
                  3-4. Marseilles - Speak to Craftsman (x2)
                  5-6. Marseilles Da Vinci Estate - Speak to Da Vinci (x2)
                  *note: Quest flips automatically to The Da Vinci Code at this point
                  The Da Vinci Code 11 13 11 Mona Lisa

                  The youth of a genius 4 6 1 The Pieta
                  Unique depiction of Madonna & child 3 5 1 The Virgin and Child with St Anne
                  Da Vinci's altarpiece 4 6 1 The Virgin of the Rocks
                  Brushstrokes of Da Vinci 10 12 1 The Virgin of the Rocks
                  Currently here.
                  The Da Vinci Code 11 13 11 Mona Lisa

                  Painting that shook Michelangelo's soul
                  That painting... Its one of a few works that made my soul tremble. When you showed me that painting... it had a thunderous impact. Humbling, but it's an excellent work. A portrait of a woman, but that smile, I don't think its of this world. It makes the most of Sfumato, expressing supreme beauty.

                  Illusionary character
                  Sfumato is a shading technique. Portraits using it are usually of illusionary people or people who don't exist. A vague, fog-shrouded world, can't you feel the energy? Maybe the Marseilles Craftsman near you is looking at the painting.

                  The strange smile
                  I saw it nearby. No, its not that you can't feel the spirit or that transparent skin, as if blood is pulsing through. But depending on how you look at that smile, the aspects change. You could say its bold, because it's a mysterious smile...

                  Rarely shown
                  That painting is seldom shown to people. I only got a glimpse of it when I was carrying goods into his studio... Even if you ask to see it, he won't easily show you. Usually its locked away, you know. Well, try asking the man himself directly.

                  A chance presented
                  What? You, where did you hear about that painting? Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, that painting wasn't created to show people. And its not finished. However you've come to see my paintings many times, and have a discriminating eye, I suppose I could let you see it depending on the conditions.

                  The double-tier of codes and keys
                  I see, well show me your questing spirit. I'm going to give you a code now. There's a picture at the place indicated by the code. But I've put a device in the picture frame, so its locked. Even if you solve the code, if you can't unlock it its not possible to see the picture. Ok?


                      is this extremely hard to pull, or do you need the pre-reqs for the next quest?

                      in case someone is wondering about this: this quest does not need the ranks for the next one to pull

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