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      Statue of Madonna and child
      No Expiration
      Venice Adventurer's Guild
      자네를 지명한 의뢰가 들어왔네. 성모자의 상을 찾아 달라는군. 이탈리아에서 수태고지의 그림을 발견한 솜씨를 듣고 지명을 해 왔겠지. 우선 이곳의 사제에게 얘기를 들어보게. 로마에 있는 어떤 분의 의뢰라네. 잘만 하면 자네의 이름이 한층 더 유명해질걸세.
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                  최소 모험 명성 : 1,762

                  선행 발견/퀘스트 [미술품] 1 수태고지(시모네 마르티니 작) <교회 종교화의 지도 (탐색 1, 미술 1 - 제노바 교회) - 나폴리, …>

                  1. Venice , 교회의 사제와 대화

                  2. Lubeck , 대장장이 옆 조각가와 대화

                  3. Lubeck 교회, 제단 좌측 앞쪽 탐색

                  1. 조각상은 뤼베크에

                  성모자의 상이라. 젊었을 때 독일 쪽으로 여행을 할 때 그 도시의 교회에서 본 적이 있지. 목재로 된 세공이 훌륭한 상이었어. 그 후 뤼베크 쪽으로 대여되었다는 얘기를 들었는데…. 그런데 지금은 어떻게 됐을까.

                  2. 도시의 자랑

                  성 모자상 말인가? 분명 이곳에 있는 교회가 다른 도시에서 빌려온 게 있어. 누가 조각했는지는 모르겠지만 매우 훌륭한 것이지. 제단 근처에 있으니 자네도 꼭 보고 가게.

                  결론 - 성모자상

                  성모자상이 뤼베크의 교회 제단 근처에 있는 모양이다. 탐색 스킬을 사용하여 그 훌륭한 세공을 보자. 의뢰인에게는 그 상태를 보고하면 되겠지.

                  /Discovery Exp/ 230, /Card Exp/ 115,
                  /Exp After report/ 100, /Fame/ 80
                  사교구 추천장 1
                  Bishop's Endorsement 1

                    • Discovery
                    • The Madonna and Child ★★ (Work of art) Exp:230 Fame:100
                      A linden statue by an unknown artist of the Madonna and Child. Recorded to have once been in a church in Western Germany. The virgin is treading on a new moon, thought to refer to the Book of Revelation a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet.

                      View All Comments

                      No Fame requirements for this Quest?

                      As I was levelling art in venice, I never pulled this quest. When I went to Venice with German later on, I pulled it without using qmps. So I believe German is a must for this one.

                      Port Official
                      Nope I got it without German, but having German probably increases the chance of getting the quest

                      Port official
                      In fact all adv quests probably can be pulled without having the required skills just need enough fame, I think

                      You always need the non-language skills for job quests and chain quests, that's for sure.

                      Some quests also need absolutely one language, while others only make it easier to pull with it.

                      im officially giving up on this quest i am lvl 48 adventure darn near 70k adventure fame I got the language skill I got the correct pre quest discovery Im on adventure grad title and on the missionary job. I pulled the entire quest chain for Songsunri with 8 QMPs. I pulled the hole FSD quest chain with 5 QMPs yet im over 100QMPs into trying to get this retard quest AWWWWW shoot me

                      Just remember that cities like Venice have a LOT of quests that can generate, and the number of potentially available quests only climbs as your fame rises. I find it's easier to get quests like this by working with other players.

                      mmm maybe the issue here is that there are 2 discoveries called the annunciation one is a 1 star and the other 1 is a 2 star and both are made at genoa church i dont know if thats the issue tho im going to try to pull it in a few mins and ill post again to let you know

                      ok i pulled it with 2 qmps im lvl 50 adv and i have 100k adv fame i dont have german but i have the 2 star discovery called the annunciation im not using adventure graduate title either its probably the other discovery just search here for the annunciation and you will find it soon enough

                      forgot to mention im in treasure hunter job

                      ok ill try that tomorrow in did a search and see 3 listings for annunciation when I did it I clicked the map listed on this sight under pre discovery and got that map your most likely right and the map listed here is the wrong one

                      Do not blame me for asking, but you *reported* the annunciation discovery, right ? (and the good one ?)

                      yea of cores I reported the discovery I find that 99% of the time it is not necessary to report a pre-quest discovery when its from a map to finish the chain,but I make a habit of doing it anyway just incase. like I know fore sure there is no need to report dungeon discoveries to get the next quest this is just a incorrect rumor.the discovery I did and reported was the one on the link above on this page. witch im guessing the link is the incorrect discovery.

                      ok I just got this quest. the like above for the pre-discovery is incorrect. the correct map is in Seville its called Religious painting map 2 star requires r7 art, unlock, search: Location Genoa Church.i would post a link to the correct map but don't know how >.

                      Not true, there are 2 maps with the same discovery. In this page if you click on the map req it shows the right location. I got the quest with art r4, lvl 20. There is no r7 map as prequest.

                      well im lvl 48 adventure 70k adventure fame I pulled the map from the link above and used 150 QMPs and did not pull this quest. after following the other guys advice I did a search for (the annunciation)on ivyro I found there is a r7 map art that gives the annunciation discovery in genoa church after pulling that map an going back I pulled this quest with 3 QMPs so putting 2 and 2 together I came to the conclusion the like above for a r1 art map 1 star as a pre-discovery is in correct.

                      I repeat, i at lvl 20 pull it with art r4 and 7k fame. No r7 maps done. with learned German. And i have pull it several times now.

                      im just saying what I know after 150 QMPs using the pre-discovery from the link above I could not pull this quest, but after getting the r7 map I pulled this quest with 3 QMPs. yes I admit it could be I got really unlucky the first 150 try's but I find that highly unlikely.

                      there was another art map at genoa church I did also get and do after my first 150 try's Religious painting map from Seville r3 art that gives the discovery (The Coronation of the Virgin) it could be that's the correct discovery and (the annunciation) has nothing to do with this quest I am thinking not but could be. this quest however is acting funny and was listed as already had been done before when I got it which I know I have not done it b4. so something is defiantly wrong with this quest.

                      Meng Meng
                      got this quest using 11 QMPs at 14k adv fame(21k total) in Excavator Job with Adventurer graduate Title
                      IGN: King_Gayle

                      Quest may not appear even if you have German, Art4, Search2 in Venice and even if you already have Annunciation discovery via Quest. I have wasted 30 QMPs with no success. You need to get the religious painting map and discover Annunciation, then you will have this quest appear. I got it using only 1 QMP.

                      the quest discovery "The annunciation" is not the same discovery as the map discovery, they just happen to have the same name. You'll have to watch out for this when you are looking to see whether or not you have the discovery.

                      easier to make the quest appear if you are an excavator

                      Used the 10x QMP option a bunch of times and said there was no quest available on north sea. Used german translation and got it first try.

                      Lubeck is in Jutland Peninsula.

                      I've edited this job quest, as there was info missing compared to JP wiki. I barely could get the pre-discovery map... while it was a low ranked one so tried to figure out what I did wrong until I found the missing info. I've made it a quest chain of it and when you finish the second quest of the chain, you get automatically the map as reward.

                      Hope this helps ^^

                      Kind Regards,


                      I can confirm with high degree of certainty (by way of wasting a lot of qmps) that indeed the prerequisite discovery ("The Annunciation" that comes from the map that is a reward that H.-Gazi mentions) *must be reported*. Conveniently, there's Michelangelo available in Venice.

                      Based on my experience a couple of days back and today, spent 210 QMPs and chain is CORRECT!

                      "History of stained glass" you have to take from your capital city since it is NATION RESTRICTED!

                      Art map is also correct, but HAS to be reported, can't confirm otherwise, only i can say that i spent about 70 QMPs before i decided to report the art discovery to Michelangelo in Venice.

                      After that used "Search quest by destination" button on North Europe and the quest then pop up.

                      Just wanted to include my confirmation on how I got the quest. I think the first two quests in the chain above you complete through adventure school. I had sold the map, however I was able to get it back through the archive in Marseilles. It is a low level Art r1 map, titled "Religious painting map", the instructions on it are 'inside the church in Genoa. Near the altar in the back'. You have to go to the church in Genoa and discover the Annunciation, then report it in Venice to Michael Angelo. After that you pick up this quest. I used one QMP and I got it. Before that I had used 50 and it never showed up.

                      If you use x1 Letter of Appreciation from Seafarers for Job Endorsement, the NPC named Molina (Spanish flag NPC; three trading caravels) sailing around Naples gives this job card. It can be easier to do than the quest if you're in a hurry. Hope this helps. Cheers.

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