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Natural history treatise
No Expiration
Venice Adventurer's Guild
There's a certain Noble in Genoa who is seeking your various rare discoveries and wants a thesis summing them all up. He seems to be expecting some fantastic things, so he isn't sparing any money. You should consult the Scholar in this town about how to write a thesis. When you're done, hand it over to the Scholar in Genoa.


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1.[DBLINK:10000003] - Talk to Scholar (3x)
2.[DBLINK:10000024] - Scholar
complete both of the quest chains is a must...quest chain can be done in any order(can finish 1 or 2 1st or even both at same time)
[IMG:23]Natural history treatise (currently here)
[IMG:31]Natural history treatise (currently here)
[IMG:01] The paper's theme
I see, so a thesis on rare discoveries?... I'm sure there are various ones, but here is one that you won't see elsewhere, about rare creatures which might be good. I'll help you with it, so let's get to it immediately. I find this very interesting.
[IMG:02] The bones of a lizard-like bird
...refer to the map. The spine which is thought to move supply, it can be found to have the same skeletal characteristics as a lizard. Also pay attention to what the long arms which make you think of bird wings. The very fact that an animal like this existed makes us think that the borders of what are thought of as animals is vague.
[IMG:02] Dodo
...the creature I saw in that area looked like a bird, but it had only small wings and could not fly. I cannot verify a similar type of bird as this in other regions. Most birds are very cautious and if you approach them, they will run away, but this bird was not cautious. It can be assumed that it has no predators...
[IMG:06] Completion of the paper
I was able to safely put together a thesis on natural history. I'll deliver it to the Scholar in Genoa.
Is it either/or with the chains of 3 quests for this or do you have to have all 4 pre's to get this quest for the Naturalist job to show?
All four pre-quests -must- be completed in order for this job quest to appear.
Did all 4 quests , 200k fame , r12 bio italian , spend 50qmp nothing :
I once spent a little over 100 QMPs to get a quest I wanted to appear in Seville. Sometimes the quests we want appear right away, sometimes not. It's just the way the game is.
This quest only appears in Venice, and yes took many qmps, but sometimes i get it just clickin on mediator, havin the biology r12 as base and havin the languajes as skill not on aide helps a lot
Going to share my experience. I couldn't pull this quest although i had try everything possible, even used SQMP and 100+ QMP. Had 330k adv fame, had the language requirements, done the chains, used Hide Completed Quest, used Quest by Destination, still not work. However, when i changed my job to Biologist and try again, i was able to pull it so easily. I did this on GAMA but never remember this is as hard as when in Maris.
But i would like to know if this quest is job-restricted just like other maritime job quests (for example, pirate job quest) or not. Because some people are also having trouble pulling this quest.
I can attest to Alrn's recommendation. I had the same details, did both quest chains. Spent 25 QMPs to get it as an Adv Mentor. I then walked over to the GM and changed to Biologist. It showed up on the 3rd QMP. It may be a coincidence, but my advice is to be in the Biologist job first. It might save you a few dozen QMPs!
There's no job requirement as far as I am aware of as I've gotten the quest before without being in Biologist job. As the Japanese wiki that I usually consult states: "Even if the required rank of the skill is met, the quest itself is very difficult to appear".
The simplest way to test is to acquire the job quest and see if others who qualify for it are able to accept the job quest or not despite being in the wrong job.
However: I am with [CA]BlakeC on this; it's just a rare quest and has no job-specific requirements to make it appear (though meeting the skill requirements is always advised). In fact, using Suggested Search function at Guild GM seems to prove this:
Naturalist job quest appeared in white (but I was in Brigand job with 12 biology)
Bounty Hunter job quest appeared in red (but I've done it before and the red 'do not qualify' became white 'do qualify' when I changed to Bodyguard job)
That seems pretty clear cut. I may test it later in Venice just to be 100% sure anyway. Cheers.
Additional note: this quest appeared for me in Alchemist job with no QMP. I was able to pull it with Court Gardener and Brigand as well. No job requirements; just rare (except when it isn't).
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