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              Anima mundi
              No Expiration
              Athens Adventurer's Guild
              I've more or less come to understand what "azoth" and the Earth's Soul are but... What connection does that powder, the "Catalyst" have to do with "azoth"? It seems that the catalyst is necessary to make azoth, however... Well, report any additional findings.
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                            1. Alexandria - talk x2 shaman
                            2. Alexandria Archives - talk x1 scholar
                            3. Venice Paracelsus Estate - Paracelsus: talk 2x

                            The request of the alchemist 1 1
                            Anima mundi
                            Mystery of the Kabala 1 1 1
                            A mysterious text 6 8 6 Azoth
                            The philosopher's stone 11 13 1 The Philosopher's Stone

                            1. """Salt"" as a catalyst"
                            To obtain Azoth, or the World Soul, a salt must be used as a catalyst. But, saying that, salt is just one example. It's a purified subtance capable of acting like a proper catalyst and absorbing the World Soul. According to alchemy Books, Azoth can be made by mixing mercury and sulphur with a true catalyst.

                            2. Road to material refinement
                            It's very difficult to identify a material that can be used as a catalyst and then purified.
                            We'll see if this catalyst is for real... Alchemy was first used to create pure subtances out of impure ones. To purify something, it's said that an Alchemist must be led by genuine truth right to their very soul. And that is why it's so difficult and crucial to purify the catalyst.

                            3. The catalyst of Alexandria...
                            Is that catalyst the real thing?
                            Well... a small amount was given to a famous Alchemist, but they weren't able to produce Azoth. I feel quite bad for Paracelsus, but don't you think the existence of Azoth is really all just make-believe?

                            4. Things above, Things below
                            "To accomplish the miracle of the one thing, what is on the botttom will be like that which on the top, and what is on the top will be like that which on the bottom."
                            The movements of heaven influence the world, and vice versa. Based on laws governing space and humankind, God's creation of the world can be recreated in a flask. That is alchemy!

                            5. Opposing forces are partly the cause of disease
                            Without limit, the human body absorbs positive and negative particles that are emitted from the Earth and heavenly bodies. If the balance between them breaks down, we become ill. Azoth can transform these particles to maintain this balance so that all sicknesses can be cured. At least that's what I thought...
                            but it looks impossible for humans to obtain Azoth.

                            6. Looking for the world's soul
                            It's said that Azoth can be made by combining mercury and sulphur with a catalyst capable of absorbing the World Soul. However, it's difficult to indentify such a material or to purify it. As a result, the catalyst to obtained in Alexandria was not able to produce Azoth.
                            It certainly seems impossible that humans could obtain Azoth.

                            Title Adept of Age(16 Century-P.2) will be given once quest done

                            Quest Mediation Permit

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