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Mystery of the Kabala
No Expiration
Tunis Adventurer's Guild
An old book on Alchemy was found at the Library of Alexandria.
It appears that something about azoth might be written, but the Alchemist cannot interpret the writings, so he can't read it. For now, how about you head over there to read it?



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Alexandria Archives - Archives [talk to scholar]
Alexandria - Shaman, just outside the Archives [talk x2]
Venice Paracelsus Estate - Paracelsus [talk x2]
The request of the alchemist 

Anima mundi 


Alchemy of the Sage
A mysterious text 


The philosopher's stone 


The Philosopher's Stone [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. An incomprehensible book
There's an alchemy book that was discovered in the Archives. A certain well-known Alchemist said it's an incredibly precious tome, but, even if I read it, I can't make heads or tails of it. And if I ask that Alchemist, they won't answer me at all

2. Telling the wise from the fools
They don't know what's in the alchemy book? And the Alchemist won't answer any questions? The content of the book is actually clearly explained. Anyone could become an Alchemist if they read it.
So why was it purposely written in such difficult language? Well? In terms of who its wisdom will be taught to, it can separate the worthy from the unworthy.

3. Language for creating an alchemy book
Only those who fully pursue the difficult account described in the book are able to become Alchemists. To give some examples, the first task to be carried out is written at the end, a procedure appears in different chapters and faulty measures are included on purpose. This type of complex notation system is known as Kabbalah.

4. An enigmatic speaker
Kabbalah is not something that can be taught easily. If you really endeavour, it will make sense. A typical Kabbalah contains techniques such as using similar sounds to point to other words, rearranging phrases and anagrams. When reading a book using Kabbalah, you need to assemble the words. Are you good at Greek? It will be necessary to understand the rest of this explanation.

5. Anagram
Let's take this Greek book for example. "Old Ghost King. Moan, My Flare Mace." By looking at the title, someone knowledgeable in Kabbalah would know it's an alchemy book. It's an anagram. If we rearrange the letters it comes to...
"Alchemy, Making Gold from a Stone". which is the book's real title.

6. Mystery of the Kabala
The alchemy book discovered in Alexandria is a valuable work, but its content could not be understood. While the actual material was clearly explained, it was written using a difficult language system known as Kabbalah. This was done to choose who would receive its knowledge.
Apparently, to solve Kabbalah, it's important to know about anagrams and ancient Greek.
Quest Mediation Permit
Adventure experience 35, Adventure Fame 55, 의뢰 알선서 8 획득

1. [Alexandria] Talk to the Scholar in the Archive
2. [Alexandria] Talk to the outside the Archives in the ally
3. [Alexandria] Talk to the Shaman a second time.
4. [Venice] Talk to Parra Purcell Seuss in his house.
5. [Venice] Talk to Parra Purcell Seuss a Second time.
Quest complete
"Old Ghost King. Moan, My Flare Mace."
"Alchemy, Making Gold from a Stone."
The Real English version.
1. {Alexandria} Talk to the Scholar in the Archives
2. {Alexandria} Talk to the Shaman in the alley beside Archives
3. {Alexandria} Talk to Shaman a 2nd time.
4. Make sure you have Greek or Translation notes before going to Venice. The Adriatic may be the slowest waters in the game.
5. {Venice} Talk to Paracelsus
6. {Venice} Must have Greek or Translation notes. Talk to Paracelsus again.
Quest was a little hard to pull. Tried in Istanbul, Athens and Naples. Finally pulled it in Tunis after learning Greek.
Looks like knowing Greek increases the odds of pulling this.
Usually for quests, while you dont really need to have the language(s) that claims is required to get them to show, having them does tend to help them spawn sooner.