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River that feeds the Black Sea
No Expiration
Tunis Adventurer's Guild
Here's a job from the military. They want someone to survey the mouth of the river right by Istanbul and sort out the cartographic details of the area. Should be a simple job--it's inside Ottoman territory, so there are plenty of patrols. It'll be easy.


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Black Sea - Use
Recognition at 1294,3042 (just outside of Istanbul)

1. Investigation of river mouth near Istanbul
Search for the river mouth opening into the Black Sea immediately north of Istanbul. You should be able to use "Recognition" to make a simple map. However, if you go dressed as an Ottoman Turk, the search parties will likely see you as a threat. You must be very careful
Perception of Explorer
The River Danube
- Discovery
The River Danube ★ (Geography) Exp:180 Fame:90
A large river that runs through Europe and flows into the Black Sea. Thought to be close to 3000km in length. It has been used for trade and military purposes since ancient times, and a lot of cities have grown up along its banks.