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      The gregarious artist
      No Expiration
      Marseille Adventurer's Guild
      Do you know the Flemish painter Rubens? Apparently he possesses both an eccentric art style and personality. Some aristocrafts have taken an interest in his work, and would like you to go learn more about him. President Shylock should have some information you can use.
      •  Member
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              1. Venice President Shylock Estate - Talk to President Shylock
              2. Venice Monarch's Estates - Talk to Cabinet Secretary Mocenigo
              3. Seville Royal Castle - Talk to Santa Cruz Marquis
              4. Seville - Talk with Craftsman
              5. Amsterdam Netherlands Governor's Mansion - Talk to Rubens
              6. Antwerp - Talk to City Official
              7. Antwerp Church - Behind the altar Observe Search

              The gregarious artist
              Artist to the king and the king of artists 7 9 7 Descent from the Cross
              The boy artist 1 1 1
              The boy who wanted to be an artist 1 1
              What the young boy saw 9 11 1 St. Mary of the Friars

              1. Cutting edge artist techniques
              Rubens? He was here in Italy for about ten years. He very closely studies the likes of Michelangelo, Raphael and Titian and was very successful here. His painting are truly different from anything that has ever been done before. If you want to hear an interesting story about him, go have a talk with Chief Cabinet Secretary Mocenigo.

              2. As a foreign minister
              I swear, artist are a moody bunch don't you think? Well, not Rubens. He was so outgoing he was even a successful diplomat. I was worried about what would happen when he went to Spain, but... If you want to know about that you should go ask around in Spain for yourself.

              3. Restoration of a miracle
              Rubens has come here as a doplomat bringing his masterpieces with him before. However, he ran into heavy rain along the way and all the paintings were ruine. Neither we nor the diplomats knew what to do but he stayed in his workshop and managed to restore them!

              4. Great Success
              I'll never forget how moved i was by that feat. He just came into the workshop all of the sudden and said he needed some space for a while... The paintings were in terrible shape but in no time he'd restored them to such pristine quality! One of the diplomats even said that they looked even better after the restored them. I believe i heard he was in Amsterdam these days..

              5. Rubens's feelings
              People come from all different backgrounds and have their own opinion about things, but i think their love for art is unchanging. I want many people to come see my paintings and when i paint religious works, i'm paiting people that actually lived, so i want to make them as real as possible. A painting i just completed is in the church in Antwer now. The Town Official will tell you exactly where it is if you want to see it.

              6. Retainer's feelings
              Oh, Ruben's painting? Ys, it's in the church. But we only put it on display during Mass or when we have a lot of people in the church to see it. We don't want it to get damaged in any way! What? You want to see it now? It's behind the locked door around behind the altar right now. If you want to see it you'll have to figure out how to open the lock yourself, just be sure to put it back how it was when you got there!

              7. The gregarious artist
              The latest painting by outgoing artist Rubens is in the church in Antwerp. Although, it is only on limited display. I wonder if they know that Rubens said himself he wants it to be seen by as many people as possible...? I should look behind the altar and see if i can unlock the door to the room where the painting is held.

              Quest Mediation Permit


              The Raising of the Cross


              발견시 경험치 650, 카드 경험치 162, 크로스
              보고시 경험치 285, 명성 200, 의뢰 알선서 7 획득

                • Discovery
                • The Raising of the Cross ★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:780 Fame:310
                  An altar piece by Rubens. The scene of the elevation of the cross where Jesus is to be nailed. With the rippling muscles and floating white flesh of Christ's body, this expression departs from previous religious works.

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