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Historical perspective of Islam
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
We received a request to search for the original text of a great history which is the pride of the Islamic world. Its writer is said to be Ibn Khaldun, who was also known as a politician.
Since he spent his later years in Cairo, it might be easy for you to find some clues there. You should ask a Town Official there.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Cairo - City Official: Talk to
Cairo Mosque - Use
Search[IMG16,Obtained info]

1. Muqaddimah
That book is called Muqaddimah.
It means an introduction to history.
There is a book very similar to the original in a mosque in my city. It cannot be taken out, but it is ok to read or transcribe it.
Please study this to gain an understanding of the principles of history.

2. Viewing of the Introduction of World History
The original manuscript of Muqaddimah is in a Cairo mosque, to the right as you enter.
Use "Search" to find it.

Discovery Reward:
History book , 170 (85) Adventure Exp
Card Reward:
Introduction to World History , 85 (42) Adventure Exp
Report Quest Reward:
Quest Mediation Permit , 90 (45) Adventure Exp, 100 (50) Adventure Fame
- Discovery
Introduction to World History ★ (Treasure) Exp:170 Fame:70
Ibn Khaldun's History of the World. Written in the second half of the 14th century, it investigates the principles governing the rise and fall of dynasties.