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      The maiden of Habsburgs
      No Expiration
      Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
      There's a message from the owner of a mansion in Gijon who wants you to come there. Their last report was a bit troubling, but things may have settled down?
      Anyway, you should get over there in a hurry.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                1. Gijon - Talk to City Manor Owner x6

                Searching for Memory 1

                Currently here
                Angel's zapateado 1 1 1
                A distant promise 8 10 8 Main Engel
                The kind lie 1
                A Gift For You 11 13 11 Note of Paschal de L'Estocart
                To The King's Road... 12 14 12 El Camino Real
                The Jester's Song 1

                In the father's confused heart
                ...About that one matter from the other day. My daughter has been avoiding me more and more. This is also really painful for me... It's true that I'm not her father. Her real father is from the Hapsburg line of noble blood.

                The Hapsburg's lady in waiting
                My wife was a maid for the Hapsburgs. My wife was taking some time off for childbirth, but unfortunately she died in childbirth. I was stricken with grief from the death of my wife when a secret order came down from the castle, summoning me there.

                Given the important task of being a foster mother
                Immediately after giving birth, since my wife was still producing breast milk, she became the wet nurse for the child that was born to the royal family at the same time. My wife treated that child like our own and took care of it. ...That child is this child.

                The heir and the child out of wedlock
                However, because of the lineage of her real mother, she was not accepted as a legitimate child, and she was to be poisoned. But my wife crying and pleading, promised that she would not disclose the true lineage of the child and so we came to raise her as our own.

                Who are the girl's mother and father?
                I don't know my daughter's father and mother. The only one who know was my wife, but she died a long time ago. So there is no proof that she is of the royal family, so I treat her as my own true daughter. But still...

                The real father...
                Recently a messenger came from the Hapsburg family, telling us that her real father wants to meet his daughter... I of course rejected the request. My daughter unfortunately saw the scene. My daughter misunderstand and so she's in a lot of pain as well. She wants me to leave her alone even more so...

                The maiden of Hapsburgs
                The mansion owner from Gijon finally opened up. He's really pained over the lineage of his daughter...I wonder if there isn't something I can do to help.

                Quest Mediation Permit


                  • Location
                  • Gijon

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