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        Paladin Olivier
        No Expiration
        Seville Adventurer's Guild
        That fight with the children in Gijon seems to have ended well. Sure, the two of them put the whole town in an uproar... But, the kids will be kids. As thanks, the owner of the manor in Gijon would like you to come.
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                      [IMG19,Quest guide]
                      1. Gijon - Talk to City Manor Owner
                      2. Gijon - Talk to Elegant Girl
                      3. Gijon - Talk to Sullen Boy
                      4. Gijon - Talk to City Manor Owner ×2 times

                      Anxious father 1 1
                      Paladin Olivier 1
                      Roland's Horn 7 9 7 Roland's Olifant

                      [IMG16,Obtained info]
                      1. Becoming best friends
                      Thank you so much for the other day. Well... even though I resolved myself not to say anything, when the two of them came to blows, it tied my stomach into knots. But good thing they really went at each other. Now they are completely acting like best friends. Please go meet them for yourself.

                      2. Like Oliver and Roland
                      I think that boy is okay now. You know, he's really strong! But not as strong as me, of course. Well, my father said, "You may be a girl, but the two of you are just like Roland and Oliver." Maybe I think so a bit, too...

                      3. I'll never fail to fight
                      That girl is strong and smart, too. She knows lots of things that I don't even know. And her father told me a story about Oliver, a really smart knight who always kept his head and made the right decisions. Then she is just like Oliver. But, in a fight, I'm the one who's stronger. Uh, maybe

                      4. Roland's best friend
                      Roland was supposedly engaged to his best friend Oliver's sister. So if my daughter and that boy continue to be on good terms... Hey, aren't I jumping the gun a bit? I'm really fond of Oliver. Wielding his beloved sword Hauteclere, he protected Roland, but then fell in battle. It's enough to make you cry, isn't it?

                      5. Life's treasure is a true friend
                      Holding Oliver's corpse, Roland grieved deeply, "Oliver, my good friend, as far as who could crush a shield, or provide support and counsel, no matter where I search I could never find a knight such as you." A friendship filled with such deep trust is a treasure to be kept one's whole life. I hope those two become great friends just like Roland and Oliver.

                      6. Paladin Olivier
                      The Lord of Gijon's request was completed successfully. Because they fought all out against one another, the children became close friends. The Lord of Gijon then said he hoped his daughter and the boy would build a friendship in the same way as Roland and Oliver. All in all, the problem was solved without any trouble.

                      Quest Mediation Permit


                      보고시 경험치 20, 명성 40, 의뢰 알선서 1 획득

                        • Location
                        • Gijon

                          Quest name is Paladin Olivier

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