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Painting that covers a ceiling
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
Large cathedrals and palaces often have their walls and ceilings adorned with artwork. These works are called frescos, and they are painted directly onto the structures. Michelangelo apparently created an enormous ceiling fresco in Italy that I would like you to go see. Ask about it in Genoa.



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Genoa - Talk to Young Noble in front of Church
Venice Michelangelo Estate - Talk to Michelangelo
Naples Church - In the center
Observe Search 
Painting that covers a ceiling 


The Book of Genesis
Art or heresy? 


The Last Judgement 

1. Genius given the run-around
Oh yes, the ceiling painting that the pope forced? Quite selfish of him to force such an order, while the pope's tomb was still being made. Oops, you didn't hear that from me. Why don't you go ask him, he should be in Venice with plenty of secrets to share.

2. Ceiling painting that took four years
I don't want to think about that job anymore... I am a sculptor, not a painter, and the order came in when I was working on a different piece. I got mad, and tried to run away from the pope, but I failed... The assistant assigned to me was useless, so I had to finish it myself.

3. Ceiling painted by just one man
Michelangelo created a giant fresco on the ceiling of the church in Naples, under the pope's orders. Surprisingly, he did it all himself. If I examine the centre of the church, I should get a good view of the ceiling painting.
Quest Mediation Permit
The Book of Genesis
- Discovery
The Book of Genesis ★★★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:1053 Fame:400
A magnificent ceiling painting by Michelangelo. It completely covers the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The main theme is taken from the Book of Genesis from the Old Testament, and famous stories such as the creation of Adam, the expulsion from the garden of Eden, and the great flood are drawn with dynamism and a wonderful touch.