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No Expiration
Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
An artist named Lorenzetti apparently left a beautiful painting of the Virgin Mary. He would like you to investigate about his painting. You should probably first find out where this artist did most of his work. Go ask the Craftsman.



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Step 1: Talk to Lisbon Craftsman.
Step 2: Sail to Pisa. Go to Tavern. Speak with Barkeep.
Step 3: Sail to Naples. Talk to Priest.
Step 4: Observe-Search.
-Completed Quest-
Reward: 38,000 Ducat
200 Adv XP
65 Adv Fame
- Discovery
Maesta ★★ (Work of art) Exp:220 Fame:110
An alter piece by Ambrogio Lorenzetti. One of the pieces depicting a solemn virgin Mary that Lorenzetti spent his entire life perfecting. Of the paintings he did of Jesus and the virgin Mary, this one is of particularly high value. Their mutual line of sight impresses upon the viewer that the mother and child had a deep love for one another.