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      No Expiration
      Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
      An artist named Lorenzetti apparently left a beautiful painting of the Virgin Mary. He would like you to investigate about his painting. You should probably first find out where this artist did most of his work. Go ask the Craftsman.
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                  Craftsman (Lisbon)
                  Barkeeper (Pisa)
                  Priest (Naples)
                  Discovery (

                  The title is...
                  A Lorenzetti painting of the Holy Mother? I don't know of that work, but I have heard about the place where he used to live. It should be near Pisa. If you ask a Barkeep there, I'm sure you could learn something.

                  The best picture is...
                  A painting of the Holy Mother? I hear there are several works by Lorenzetti remaning that depict the Holy Mother. Among them, the work said to be the most exquisitely crafted was apparently donated to a church in Naples. The priests there should be able to tell you a lot about the painting.

                  Embedded meaning
                  Yes, I believe that painting is being kept here. Under the Virgin and Child, it depicts three separate figures. it's said that these represent love, hope and faith. The painting is hanging on the far left wall which faces the book stand. Please have a look for yourself.

                  Painting of the Madonna
                  You accepted a job to investigate a painting by Lorenzetti of the Holy Mother. You learned that several of such paintings still exist. The work regarded to be the most expertly crafted among them is supposedly kept in a church in Naples. Examine it on the far left wall from the book stand.

                    • Discovery
                    • Maesta ★★ (Work of art) Exp:220 Fame:110
                      An alter piece by Ambrogio Lorenzetti. One of the pieces depicting a solemn virgin Mary that Lorenzetti spent his entire life perfecting. Of the paintings he did of Jesus and the virgin Mary, this one is of particularly high value. Their mutual line of sight impresses upon the viewer that the mother and child had a deep love for one another.

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