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        The ring of a particular girl
        No Expiration
        Seville Adventurer's Guild
        This is a rather minor errand, but there's a search request for a ring belonging to a French noblewoman who, long ago, married into a family in Spain and subsequently led a tragic, short life. Ask around the tavern in Marseilles.
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                  [IMG:19] 1.[ZONE:90005109] - Barkeep: Talk to 2.[ZONE:90005104] - City Girl: Near Archives. Talk to 3.[ZONE:90005109] - Irene: Talk to 4.[ZONE:90005136] (West Church) - Use [DBLINK:30000035][DBLINK:30000020] just right of the bookstand, between the two pillars [IMG:16] [IMG:01] 1. A girl from this town You must be talking about earl Alma's daughter. I think any woman here in town would know about her. What? You're looking for a memento from her? That's not gonna be easy... Well, I guess you could start by talking to some of the women around town here. Good luck. [IMG:01] 2. Daughter of tragedy Yes, I Know her. Earl Alma's daughter married a noble from Marseille but he was soon assassinated by a political opponent and so she fled to the abbey. I don't know about her ring though... Oh, maybe Irene in the Tavern might know something. [IMG:01] 3. Daughter's memento Ah yes, that story... She lived as a nun in the abbey for the rest of her days without ever revealing her true identity for fear of causing problems for the abbey. After she died they found out who she was by the inscription on her ring. The ring is on display in the church in the corner of town now. [IMG:06] 4. Decorative ring Earl Alma's daughter's ring that revealed her identity upon her death is on display in the church in the corner of town. Apparently it is just to the right of the bookstand. [DBLINK:90005136] Discovery Reward: 75 (37) Adventure Exp Card Reward: [DBLINK:70000367] , 36 (18) Adventure exp Report Quest Reward: [DBLINK:01500232] , 40 (20) Adventure Exp, 40 (20) Adventure Fame

                    • Discovery
                    • The Ring of the Earl's Daughter ★ (Treasure) Exp:75 Fame:23
                      The ring of an Earl's daughter who suffered terrible misfortune. It uses a large, rare, and valuable blue crystal, and a stamp on the inside of the band proves its place of origin.

                      The xp amounts are correct, but I only received 20 fame even with an adventure job.

                      fame depends on your lvl

                      its a nice quest but the story of the girl is quite sad though

                      Agreed, Capt. I wonder if it's based on a real life story? So many things in this game often are (like the Medusa's Eye quest to Istanbul foreshadowing Ibrahim's future execution by Sultan Suleiman).

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