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Raphael's masterpiece
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
You know the artist Rapheal? He's famous for his paintings of the Holy Mother, and he apparently just completed his latest work. Some people are very interested to find out more about this piece. Start by asking the scholar at Marseilles about it.



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Marseille Archives - speak with Scholar
Genoa Tavern - speak with Barkeeper
Genoa Church - speak with Sister
Genoa Church - speak with Artist
Naples Church - use
Observe and

1. Madonna, child and carduelini
Raffaello's new piece? You must be referring to "Madonna of the Goldfinch". It features the infant Jesus and John the Baptist resting between the Virgin Mary's knees.
I heard Raffaello lives in Florence. Perhaps you could visit the nearby Genoa to find out more?

2. Reason that a carduelini was depicted
"Madonna of the Goldfinch"? Well. I don't know the details, but I heard it's called that because St. John is holding a goldfinch in his hands. I wonder why it had to be goldfinch? Maybe you can go to the church to find out.

3. Legends concerning carduelinis
Do you know that goldfinches have red spots on its back? It is told that when Jesus ascended the hills of Golgotha, a goldfinch came to him and removed the thorns from his forehead. They say the red spots are Jesus' blood. From then on, the goldfinch is used to represent the Passion.

4. Location of the Madonna and child
Oh. I've heard about that painting too. They say it is drawn in the shape of a triangle, reflecting Raffaello's respect to Da Vinci. There are other pieces with the same motif, and one of them I saw in the church in Naples. It's right by the entrance, on the right hand side.

5. Madonna and carduelini
I got information regarding "Madonna of the Goldfinch". There is a goldfinch in the hands of John the Baptist. The goldfinch represent Christ's Passion. I should look for it to the right of the entrance of the church in Naples.

Discovery Reward :
240 Adventure exp
Card Reward :
Madonna & Goldfinch 120 Adventure exp
Reporting Reward :
History of Oil Painting Techniques 80 Adventure exp , 40 Adventure fame
- Discovery
Madonna & Goldfinch ★★ (Work of art) Exp:240 Fame:105
A painting by Raphael. It is called this to distinguish it from other similarly named paintings. The name comes from the young Saint John, pictured on the left, holding a goldfinch. It's real name is Madonna del Cardellino.