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- Required
A second Tower of Babel
No Expiration
Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
자네, 피테르 브뤼겔의‘바벨탑’에 대해 조사한 적이 있지. 실은 같은 타이틀의 그림이 또 있다는군. 그것을 조사해주게. 또한 앤트워프의 대장장이에게 물어보게.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Antwerp - speak with Craftsman
Amsterdam - speak with Craftsman
Hamburg Church - left wall of church
Observe Search JR

Painting of the Tower of Babel 


The Tower of Babel 
A second Tower of Babel
The Wall of Language 


1. 한 장 밖에 모르는
브뤼겔의 바벨탑? 나는 1장이라고 들었는데. 그렇게 정교한 그림을 여러 장 그리는 것은 무리가 아닐까? 그리고 알만한 사람이라면 암스테르담의 대장장이겠지. 거기에서 모른다고 하면 알기 힘들걸세.

2. 붉은 바벨탑
바벨탑이라면 2장 있지. 자네가 찾는 것은 작은 쪽이 아닌가? 그건 바로 함부르크의 교회로 옮겨졌으니. 작긴 하지만 그것 또한 손이 많이 간 그림이지. 왠지 전체적으로 붉다네. 한번 보면 잊혀지지 않는 그림이야.

3. 두 장째 바벨탑
브뤼겔의 또 다른 1장의 바벨탑은 함부르크의 교회에 있다고 한다. 책장의 맞은 편 왼쪽 벽에 걸려 있는 모양이다.
Perception of Artisan
Little Tower of Babel
발견시 경험치 170, 카드 경험치 42
보고시 경험치 80, 명성 80, 예술가용 관찰 가이드 10 획득
- Discovery
Little Tower of Babel ★ (Work of art) Exp:170 Fame:70
Another painting of the Tower of Babel by Pieter Brueghel (father). Unlike the larger piece, the construction is not depicted. For some reason, the artist chose to paint with a strong red paint, which evokes the idea of the imminence of God's wrath.

Xiao Wei
Anyone knows where to find the archaeology quest chain for the "Babel Series (Wiki China)"?

That comes in a mini expansion that GAMA still dont have

That quest chain sounds neat! Is there someplace on the web it can be looked up?

china wiki has it already, looks interesting also. Hope they will add it soon :)
Tower of Babel Quest Chain
Require discoveries (quests can all be found on the yviro database)
The Epic of Gilgamesh,
The Tower of Babel
“The “Little” Tower of Babel”
Also it is highly recommended to have the Suez Canal permit
Thanks to Yeltdel for doing the chain together
The Quest Chain:
A bible for all
6 stars, Seville, Search r6, Theology r8, Greek
2x Scholar in Seville
3x Thomas Campanella in Naples
2x Scholar in Alexandria
1x Scholar in Athens
Search in the Archives of Athens
The Wall of Language
7 stars, Marseille, Spanish, French
4x Young Male Noble in Marseille (next to bank)
1x Barkeep in Marseille
1x Theologian in Marseille (church in the left corner)
3x Scholar in Seville
Next two quests can be done at the same time (which is recommended)
Origins of Old Testament Stories
5 stars, Seville, Recognition r9, Archaeology r11, Arabian
4x Scholar in Seville
2x Travelling Archaeologist
Northeast Basra – Use Recognition in the northeast
Code of Babylon
8 stars, Alexandria, Persian
3x Scholar in Naples
Talk to the Travelling Archaeologist in Basra
The next two quests can be done at the same time as well
The Fragrance of the Bible
6 stars, Aden, Ecology r6, Biology r8, Arabian
2x Merchant Apprentice in Aden
Northwest Basra – Use Ecology in the north
Mountains of Legend
7 stars, Aden, Recognition r6, Geography r8, Arabian
1x Travelling Archaeologist in Basra
1x City Official in Basra
The Persian Bay – Use Recognition south of Hormuz
This time the next three quests can be done at the same time, but it is recommended to do the first two at the same time and after that the third one
A City-State to match Ur
5 stars, Calicut, Recognition r4, Archaeology r6, Arabian
1x Scholar in Calicut
1x Gatekeeper in Basra
Ur – Use Recognition in the northeast corner
Ruins of a Legendary King
7 stars, Aden, Recognition r6, Archaeology r8, Arabian
2x Travelling Archaeologist in Basra
Ur – Use Recognition in the middle north
The Trail of King Gilgamesh
8 stars, Aden, Archaeology r10, Italian
1x Scholar in Naples
8x Read Archaeology book in the Naples Archives
Another name for Noah
6 stars, Naples, Search r11, Archaeology r13, Unlock r11
4x Scholar in Naples
2x City Official in Beirut
North Beirut – Use Search in the northeast corner
Next two can best be done simultaneously
King of all
7 stars, Athens, Search r6, Archaeologyr8, Unlock r6
1x Scholar in Athens
2x Travelling Archaeologist in Basra
2x Read Archaeology book in the Calicut Archives
Persian Gulf North Coast – Use Search to the southeast
Mesopotamian Literary Scholar
Istanbul, Search r7, Theology r9, Unlock r7
2x Scholar in Istanbul
1x Read Theology book in the Istanbul Archives
3x Travelling Archaeologist in Basra
Ur – Use Search near the ruins in the east
Mesopotamia’s Magic God
8 stars, Aden, Search r6, Theology r8, Unlock r6
3x Travelling Archaeologist in Basra
2x City Official in Basra
1x Travelling Archaeologist in Basra
3x City Official in Beirut
Beirut – Use Search near the City Official
Epic of Creation
8 stars, Naples, Search r13, Archaeology r15, Unlock r13
2x Scholar in Athens
7x City Official in Beirut
North Beirut – Use Search in the east
Other Quests
Goddess of Uruk
5 stars, Aden, Search r4, Theology r6, Unlock r4
1x Travelling Archaeologist in Basra
1x City Official in Basra
Ur – Use Search in the north
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