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Demon of the Sea
No Expiration
Tunis Adventurer's Guild
There are many animals that are nicknamed a devilfish, including octopi and squids. But there is one living in tropical seas that fit that name so well it could hardly be compared to just a common octopus. I want you to investigate that creature. It was apparently seen in the Atlantic Ocean, so ask around in Arguin.



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Arguin - Arguin (Seafarer)
North Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean (14920,3985)

1. Hardly a devil
I believe the creature you're referring to a devil is the stingray. If you think that's the devil, sardines are just as bad. I don't blame you for thinking that way though, as they look very menacing. They're a gentle creature and are harmless. You can see them if you head far west from this town.

2. A large ray
Apparently there is a large, black stingray in the Atlantic Ocean. They are supposedly harmless as well. We should encounter them by heading directly far west of Arguin. I'm looking forward to seeing just how large these things are.
Book of Oceanology
Manta Ray
발견시 경험치 520, 카드 경험치 130
보고시 경험치 170, 명성 180, 해양생물도감 획득
- Discovery
Manta Ray ★★★★ (Marine creature) Exp:624 Fame:260
An enormous ray known as the manta. At over 5m in width, with its graceful, bird-like wings, it's a sight you should see at least once. At first glance, it can appear quite menacing, but it is in no way an aggressive creature; it swims quite peacefully even if someone approaches.