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      Bard that stands on water
      No Expiration
      Rio de Janeiro Adventurer's Guild
      We received a request to investigate a bird living in the Amazon River basin. Apparently, it stands on the water constantly. A Town Official here wants to know the secret behind that. Talk to the client in person fora more detailed explanation.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                      1. Rio de Janeiro - Talk to City Official
                      2. Rio de Janeiro - Talk to Barkeep
                      3. Bahia - Talk to Barkeep ×2
                      5. Amazon River Upstream - Amazon River Upstream landing Observe and Ecological Research.

                      ※ Quest required to unlock the adventurer lv65

                      1. Secret of the bird
                      From what 've heard, the bird can not only stand on water but can actually walk on it. I would like to ask you to study the secret behind it. You can collect information around the town to start with.

                      2. To Bahia
                      I haven't heard anything about such a bird from sailors wo stop by here. Such information is easily available in towns near the Amazor river. How about checking at a bar in Bahia.

                      3. The secret is in its feet
                      There is some information available on that bird. It has a yellow coloured beak and the tip of which there is red coloured skin. It doesn't stand on the water but seems to stand on weeds floating near the surface. There is a secret behind why it can stand as well...

                      4. Large feet
                      The toes are extremely narrow and long. The scholar who dropped it once here mentioned something about the bird distributing its weight over those toes as the reason why it doesn't sink. If it's such a unique bird, won't your study be difficult?

                      5. Bird that stands on water
                      Thanks to its long and narrow toes, it seems the bird can stand on water. Let's study this bird landing upstream of the Amazon river.

                      Quest Mediation Permit

                      Pheasant-tailed Jacana

                      발견시 경험치 370, 카드 경험치 92
                      보고시 경험치 270, 명성 180, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                        • Discovery
                        • Pheasant-tailed Jacana ★★ (Bird) Exp:370 Fame:185
                          A bird with long legs and extremely large feet. With its long toes, it can walk on the leaves that float on the water. It lives in moors and grasslands and eats insects.

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