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        Sun god of Ireland
        No Expiration
        Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
        Hey, how does it feel to wield Gae Bulg? Actually I've got some more amazing information. A spear that a God from Ireland used is somewhere in the world. How about starting out by finding out more about this God?
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                        Pre-Quest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99993546] [IMG:31][QUEST:99993401] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005279] - Talk to Priest 2.[ZONE:90005278] - Talk to Barkeep 3.[ZONE:90005278] - Talk to Seafarer 4.[ZONE:90005181] - Browse book [DBLINK:30000025] 5.[ZONE:90005181] - Talk to Scholar [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21] Currently here [IMG:22][QUEST:99993471] [IMG:23][QUEST:99993469] [IMG:24][QUEST:99993461] [IMG:25][QUEST:99993468] [IMG:26][QUEST:99993557] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] A suspicious priest Oh, hello there. Luckily, everything is all safe and sound at the moment. Oh? A spear used by a god? You mean the sun god Lugh's... Uh, nothing! I know absolutely nothing! If there's anything else that's more trouble, I really must refuse... [IMG:01] Tuatha De Danann and Fomorians' Child The sun god Lugh was Cuchulain's father. His tribe, the people of Danann, came to this island a long time ago from the south. His father was Cian, the son of the god of healing Dian Cecht, and his mother was the daughter of Balor, king of the rival tribe the Fomorians. Hmm? Maybe that Sailor over there wants to say something, too? [IMG:01] The hero that defeated the Fomorians Lugh means "light". So the sun god Lugh was fittingly the one who, armed with his magic spear, defeated the Fomorians, who the people of this island suffered under for quite some time. Here, too, the Milky Way is called "Lugh's Chain" and rainbows are known as "Lugh's Bridge". To learn more, read books about archaeology in the London Archives. [IMG:02] The Tuatha De Danann or Danu/Dana The people of Danann were a divine race mothered by the fire goddess Danu. They came to Ireland riding on magic clouds from distant southern islands. Using magical items, they ruled the island of Erin. But they suffered long at the and of the dark giant race the Fomorians, who crossed over from the sea to the north. [IMG:01] Cian and Ethniu/Eithne The Fomorians were said to be a fearsome race of giants from the north, but they were probably the original inhabitants of this island. In fear of a prophecy that said he would be killed by his grandson, King Balor locked his daughter Ethniu away. But Cian of the people of Danann discovered her... And, in line with the prophecy, their son Lugh slayed Balor. [IMG:06] Sun god of Ireland Apparently, the sun god Lugh was the owner of the spear. He was the son of Cian of the people of Danann and Ethniu of the rival tribe the Fomorians. After he came of age, Lugh killed his grandfather Balor and destroyed the Fomorians.

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