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      Dragon slayer
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      London Adventurer's Guild
      The legends of Saint George vary a lot depending on the story. But what is the truth? Does Asakalon really exist... According to the stories I've heard, the legend of Saint George has been passed down since the time of the Crusades. Speaking of the Crusades, you'd naturally think of Jerusalem...
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                      [IMG:Quest_Guide] Bard (London) Young Painter (London) Scholar (Marseilles) Priest (Seville) Young Noble (London - Royal Church) [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993143] [IMG:22][QUEST:99993340] [IMG:23][QUEST:99993339] [IMG:24] Currently Here [IMG:25][QUEST:99993263] [IMG:26][QUEST:99993343] [IMG:27][QUEST:99993336] [IMG:28][QUEST:99993341] [IMG:29][QUEST:99993243] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] In the city of Cyrene Dragon slaying in Jerusalem...? Ascalon? Ah, you might be talking about the dragon slayer. Long ago there used to be a town named Sirence to the north of Jerusalem. They say the legend of the dragon slayer was passed down for generations there. [IMG:01] The traveler and Ascalon The phrase dragon slayer can refer to a person who slays dragons or the weapon they use. A long time ago there was a dragon that lived by a lake close to Sirene that would attack the townspeople. One day it said that a traveler visited sirene and fought the dragon to save them from its wrath. the sword that the traveler used was the dragon slayer, Ascaron. [IMG:01] Cleodolin When the traveler first came into town he saw a little girl crying. When he asked her why she was crying he found out the girl's name was Cleadrine and that she had been chosen to be a human sacrifice for the dragon. The traveler decided to fight the dragon which no other valiant hero before him had been able to defeat to save the poor girl's life, and defeat the dragon he did. [IMG:01] A princess and the traveller There is more to this story about Cleadrine and the dragon. The girl Cleadrine was actually the princess of Sirene and after the traveler's triumphant return the two were wed and lived happily ever after. What happened to the Ascalon you ask? Well, I'm sure even if it did still exist it would be worthless as a sword by now. [IMG:01] And the traveller is... The traveler that wielded the mighty dragon slayer is known as the great hero George. George and the princess also had a son together. The closest place to Sirene today would be a modern-day Beirut. If I recall correctly there was a family there that claims to be the descendants of Georg... [IMG:06] Dragon Slayer There is another legend of a dragon slayer that takes place in a town that used to exist to the north of Jerusalem named Sirene. Long ago, a lone traveler defeated the dragon that lived by a lake near Sirene and saved princess Cleadrinee who was chosen as a human sacrifice to the dragon. That traveler's name was Georg and the name of his sword was Ascalon. Apparently he still has the descendants living in Beirut. Finite!

                          Reward is 80000 ducats and 3 qmps.

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