So, I have every other prequest in the Xanadu chain done, except this and Orangutan. For some reason this is not appearing in the Maritime Guild for me in Calicut. Every other pre quest is done, up to and Including "that which remains in memories". I have Indian language, 208k adventure fame, but only 7k maritime fame. Could that be it or am I missing something?
Never mind. U need 18k maritime fame
Sorry nobody could help you out earlier with your question, but on behalf of future players who will benefit from that insight regarding fame, thank you. Cheers, and Godspeed on your way to Xanadu.
Must have some other requirement. I already discovered the Masked Lovebird and I have 45k of maritime fame, but the quest does not appear, nor using the new function of 10 qmps.
The same in Zanzibar trying the orangutan quest if I already did the battle quest and I do not remember.
I do not recall it being that easy to pull this quest. Seems like you are meeting all the requirements so i would just try harder either spamming more qmps or using a special qmp.
I would also recommend you to use "Maritime graduate" title if you haven't reached lvl 70 maritime. It will help you getting 1 more quest at maritime mediator.
The quest only require 18K battle fame and ''That which remains in Memories'' (Masked Lovebird). Did it very recently, the quest is not awfull to pull, but not super frequent. Used about 10 QMP to get the quest and didn't had the Maritime Grad title. Though, I had the Indian Language, which must have helped a lot to pull it.
26K Battle Fame, In an Adventurer (Court Gardener) job, Used IND translation note. 2 QMPs to pull.
Pulled with no Indian Lang no trans notes, 12 QMP, was able to share to 6k fame battle fleet member
Girl is on peir
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