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  • Sun God Sculpture
    The sculpture of the sun-god Helios used as a model for the Colossus of Rhodes. In ancient Greek, it was believed that the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening because Helios would drive the chariot of the sun from the East to the West across the sky each day.
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    Discovery Name: "Sun God Sculpture"
    Discovery Details: "The sculpture of the sun-god Helios used as a model for the Colossus of Rhodes. In ancient Greek, it was believed that the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening because Helios would drive the chariot of the sun from the East to the West across the sky each day."

    Quest Name: Chariot of the Sun
    Skill Required: R6 Recognition, R8 Archaeology, Greek

    Quest Details: There's a colossus in Rhodes made with the motif of the Sun God, Helios. For anecdotes regarding one of the Seven Wonders of the World, perhaps you may be able to investigate about them in detail at the Archives in Athens.

    Quest obtained with 16-star clue "A Record of the End of the Lighthouse of Alexandria" from new Treasure Hunt Legend Regarding an Old Map

    Note: the clue name is misleading since there is another 16-star clue with same name. Take a look at its description, if it says about "A fragment of a stele recording the end of the Colossus." then it is the right one.

    Quest Guide:
    Athens Archives Read Archaeology x2
    Athens Archives Speak with Scholar x1
    Candia Speak with Travelling Philosopher x1 (a bit Southwest from City Official)
    Turkey West Coast Use Recognition Southwest corner East from Giant Dead Tree

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