Truth of Atlantis
A book compiled mostly by John Tradescant, detailing information gained by deciphering the ancient writing on stone tablets found in the course of his research on Atlantis. Its academic value is extremely high.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
Quest Name: "The Qualification and Resolove to Know"
5 stars, London Adventurers' Guild 276,000/20,000 ducats
Search r5 Appraisal r7 Italian Language
-Speak to Tradescant in the Marseille Adventure Guild
-Speak to Lorenzo at Florence Palace
-Speak to the Pisa Port Official
-Speak to Athens Scholar
-Speak to San Juan City Official
-Speak to Julien in San Juan Harbor
-Speak to San Juan Port Official
-Search in front of the San Juan City Official
520/260 adventure exp, plus a Doctoral Thesis on Navigation (consumable item that provides 10,000 Oxford credits)
This is the first adventure chain quest after you take the Solar Barge and discover Acropolis of Atlantis
Quest name: The Qualifications and Resolve to Know (Chrono Quest - Mythical Era)
Quest location: London Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r5 Search, r7 Appraisal, ITA(Italian)
Pre-requisite discovery: Mystery of Atlantis discovery (from "Those Who Seek and Those Who Lead" quest) + Acropolis of Atlantis
Additional notes: Second quest of Atlantis adventure route questchain
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