Conch Pearl
A type of pearl which can be found in conch shellfish. It is generally a soft pink colour, though there are ones with uneven colours or ones with detailed patterns.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
Quest: "A Pearl Born from a Conch"
Location: Saint-Georges Adventurers' Guild.
Difficulty: 9 stars
Reward: 1,230,000 ducats, 20,000 advance
Required Skills: Search r10, Appraisal r12, English Language
Prerequisites: "Port Royal" discovery, "Conch" discovery
-Talk to the Adventure Mediator in Saint-Georges
-Talk to the Barkeep in Port Royal
-Search to the right of the barkeep.
1250/625 adventure exp
Quest name: A Pearl Born from a Conch (Chrono Quest - 4th period, 17th Century)
Quest location: Saint-Georges Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r10 Search, r12 Appraisal, ENG(English)
Pre-requisite discovery: Conch discovery (from "The Reason for the Peach Colour" quest) + Port Royal
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