Relief of Ea
Ea appears in Babylonian myth and is
believed to have originally been the
patron god of the city of Eridu in the
south of Ur. In the Flood mythology,
he is said to have been the one to
teach the hero how to build the ship.
He is called Enki in Mesopotamian
★★★★ (Religious legacy)
Exp:740 Fame:307 Ducat:148000
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards

Wen zhi
Name: Mesopotamia's Magic God
Where: Aden
Skills: Search(6) Theology(8) Unlock(6)
Check comments from "Aden" for the subquests

Does anyone know the correct quest steps for "Mesopotamia's Magic God" out of Aden? I'm trying to complete the quest chain above and I can't figure out what to do for the last steps of this quest.
"Relief of EA" is the discovery for this quest.
Thanks for any help anyone can give.

These are all the new quests so far that i got. I did all in order:
1 Ruins of a Legendary King - Aden - Uruk Card - Rec 6 Arc 8 Arabic 1
2 Mountains of a legend - Aden - Zagros Mountain Card - rec 6 geo 8 arabic
3 A city state to match - Ur Card - Calicut - Lagash Card rec 4 arc 6 arabic
4 The trail of king Gilgamesh - Aden - No Card - arc 10 ita
5 Another Name for Noah - Naples - Epic of Astra-Hasis Card - sea11arc13unlck 11
6 King of all - Athens - Stele of Naram-sim Card - search 6 arc 8 unlock 6
7 Mesopotamian Literary Scholar - Istanbul - Nin-me-sara Card - Sea7The9Unlck7
8 Code of Babylon - Alexandria - No Card - Persia
9 Goddess of Uruk - Aden - Statue of Inanna Card - Sea4The6Unlck4
10 Mesopotamia's Magic God - Aden Relief of Ea Card - Sea6The8Unlck6
11 Tower of babel (2 quests in lisbon)
12 The Wall of Language - Marseille - No Card - Fre Spa
13 Origins of Old Testament Stories - Seville - Tchoga Zanbil Card - rec9Arc11Ara
14 Epic of Creation - Naples - Enuma Elish Card - Sea13Arc15Unlck13
This are the new quests during the tower of babel update. Someone posted this in Aden so I'm posting here as I followed this. Some you don't need to do as I dont think is part of the chain quest but its really up to you. There are also sub-quests within this chain quests so I suggest you go to Aden (City) page as a lot is stated there.
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