High Chest Storage
A beautifully decorated tall chest.
Furniture making - Islamic

Make high chest


How to make a high chest for storing trade goods.
Obtained Info
Trebizond, Jaffa - Craft shop(Town's mans Recipe)

What happens to furniture when its durability reaches 0? And what happens to the stored items?
@Chester: What happens to furniture when its durability reaches 0? And what happens to the stored items?
When Durability reaches 0n your furniture your trade goods and items inside remain safe and protected how ever you will not be able to place things in until you get new furniture. The furniture at 0 dura is destroyed but your stuff is safe you will need new furniture when this happens.
it simply vanishes. Happily enough, the items stored in it do not, but u won't be able to use them until u place a new furniture instead of the vanquished one. I suggest u buy those +4 Astro furniture and use Master's Repair Tools-restores 5 durability each- (usually 3-5M/unit, although u sometimes find those in companies' stores, too) every now and then.
Lol I remember asking this question as an unregistered Chester two and a half years ago, damn time sure flies (this is LeVatiquois in game btw :-)). Of course I've figured it out by now, but all the same thanks for the replies, useful to be here for everyone to see. I use those +3 furniture for everything and just make new ones when they break. I try to use the quarters for long-term storage so they don't loose dura too quickly. The +4s I'm sure will be good, but they are kinda rare, aren't they. Need an astro item to craft them too, don't they. And speaking of those Master's Repair Tools, do we have a reliable way to get them? I've found some in colosseum boxes, but it's like the box is there for one week every month and even then you get like 2 or 3 of them every 50k roman coins. I hear people find them in shipwrecks sometimes but that's hardly predictable too, isn't it. Do we know any other way that's more efficient/reliable/predictable?
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