Another Info #1
Same models
Corinthian Helmet 7
- A helmet worn by ancient Roman militia.
The fan like decoration on top was considered to be a sign of bravery.
Corinthian Helmet 3
- A helmet worn by ancient Roman militia.
The fan like decoration on top was considered to be a sign of bravery.
Corinthian Helmet
- A helmet worn by ancient Roman militia.
The fan like decoration on top was considered to be a sign of bravery.
Corinthian Helmet
- A helmet worn by ancient Roman militia.
The fan like decoration on top was considered to be a sign of bravery.
Famous General's Corinthian Helmet
- A helmet worn by ancient Roman militia.
The fan like decoration on top was considered to be a sign of bravery.
Corinthian Helmet 1
- A helmet worn by ancient Roman militia.
The fan like decoration on top was considered to be a sign of bravery.
Obtained Info


WTT this awesome Helm for a 100 def gloves... if interested i will leave IGN

how much is it for in bazaars?

seen it for 50-100mil normaly

WTS one of these pm me in game IGN: Vernadux

Wen zhi
sold it for 400m, rare stuff currently unobtainable

lol 100-200m is already a lot. you were lucky, gz.

bought it for 50, sold it for 100, kinda miss it. looks like i'll have to wait until it comes out again.

Meng Meng
WTB this helmet 150mil, PM IGN: MarcoS

WTB this helmet pm offer ingame name: Lild

WTB this helmet 150M ign:Salahuddin

WTS Famous General's Corinithian Helmet. 250m

Wts famous general's helm...150 mill..In game Jo'seph

Ok i sold it...sorry everyone

Is this the best helmet so far?

Ming Mei
Far from it...


Theo II


Ich want to buy this Helmet, PM me Bacixx
want to buy one or silver helmet pmme IGN ArabianMarshall

Marhsall how old r u?

Buying or trading Vinland silver helmet for it.. IGN : Darkstorm
Wtb one or trade for one.
Pm me ingame :)

WTB one of these,PM or mail me in game
WTB IN GAME IGN ArabianMarshall iam always online just use translation note or trade it for high stuff

WTB this

how do you get this?

Treasure Box

thats normal item in game. so the way to obtain that is Shipwreck.
for ppl who rather spent their money and pay to win this is NC item.
for all us others its SW

How much are these now?

How much are these now?


Sold mine for 300m but it took forever. I'd say 250m is a fair price.

Sold mine for 300m but it took forever. I'd say 250m is a fair price.
WTB one if any one have 1 for sale pmme ArabianMarshall
i will be available whole thursday morning

Wtb this pm me Lavendermyst

WTT Silver helmet with this pm Jafar'Al-Azezari

WTB this leave name and price plz

WTB 1 of these Pm me ingame flyingdutchman

WTB this helm for 350mil negpsable

WTB this for 400mil give or take a little

Good luck, these are 600m.. They are also unplunderable

you sell me yours for 600mil?

Wen zhi
I found 1

these are definatly plunderable lol

shhh no they aren't! Feel free to use up all of your cheater OP forging tools on these and sail around with them everywhere! The dura will never drop below 1 and they cannot be plundered by npc's or players ever!

can chicks wear this?

Yes, girls can wear this.

Of course chick's can wear this CRZY_PSYCO_CHICK wears this helmet and kicks ass in dungeons with it

WTB this 250m pm CarlosAlvaro

WTB Pm In game with price please

WTB PM IGN: Arkiels
Looking for one PST

My aide need one :p pst

Capt.Gummy is a retard reseller, bought some ships cheap off friends, mate's rate, then sold em for more the next day. you ask to veiw ships from sellers then click confirm in exchange hoping they would too, greedy no morals reseller and aspiring scammer. you dont deserve to be in Friend-Builders

A friend of mine from F-B told me the same.

There is reselling/ hustling then there is scamming. Gummy is a scammer

Agreed, he is like Enternal from Sea Legion. All they do is scam im seville all day. Their companies would be much better and more respected without those losers.

Wen zhi
Ok all you people complaining of reselling are 100% total noobs. Do you know how stupid you sound? Can you imagine if every single person would walk around saying hey thats worth more than you're charging please charge me more LOL
that is the stupidest thing I ever heard of! There would be no market to shop in you dumb asses Market is based on reselling its 100% necessary to have competition DEAL WITH IT! lol
the only bad reselling is when you TRICK people into selling cheaper like having 5 alts logged in doing low ball price checks or using alts to fake multiple haggles with a player or using ivyro to deflate and inflate prices or only buying from people in school chat who know 0 about the game.

sure, but gummy buying ships from company mates and friends for cheap then selling the same day for more? that's low! clicking confirm when gummy asks to veiw ships from other sellers? that's low again!

scammers , kill em all

no Liza it is not if your company member asked for a certain amount of money for an item and that amount was paid in full with no tricks or short change then there is no issue Im sorry it isn't...
now if Gummy thinks he can sell it for more that's up to gummy maybe he will maybe he wont who cares some people like to resell its fun for them some just like the challenge as long as everyone profited whats the issue???
And as far as clicking confirm when somebody ask to see the item a person can click confirm ,type in the chat box, get naked and jerk off to the monitor IT DOESNT MATTER he can do anything he wants the other party must click confirm to finalize the deal by clicking confirm as well stop crying like a bitch and play the game noob lol

Gummy is a noob maritimer and a pro scammer.

Mei Hua
spoken like gummy yourself, how can you not see company members selling cheap to fellow members as a favour and then gummy had no intention of using the ship and just sells for more money not wrong and a pretty shitty thing to do? and as for clicking confirm, he's hoping the other party would click confirm too and there you go, he's stolen a ship. I have never clicked confirm when veiwing someone's ships in hope they would click confirm by mistake and i could run away with a ship. you Nicola, are an asshole, defending actions like this, you must be Gummy!

Gummy is a noob maritimer this is true but just because he turned a profit on a ship that a person was too lazy to get a price check on or didn't want to spend time sitting around selling doesn't make him a scammer. Scamming must involve a trick of some sort there was no trick so there was no scam...

you dont get it, FB members sold gummy ships cheap, for him to use, not sell the next day for massive profit. i won't say if i'm in FB or not, but FB members are pretty disgusted at his actions, i dont know why he is still in! and he is a scammer in the making, clicking confirm when veiwing a seller's ship in hope they would mistakenly click confirm also is proof of that.

Well how many ships has Gummy Stolen so far? just asking
Now if Gummy asked for a special company member discount OR he said oh I need the ship the ship to use can you sell it cheaper then that's different but if he did not ask for a discount or he never said hey I want to use that ship give me a discount then there was no scam.
Also how do u know he didn't mistakenly hit confirm? let say the other party did hit confirm by mistake and the ship was transferred then couldn't gummy also have made that mistake? hmmm?
mistakes happen the only way to prove somebody is a scammer is for them to actually scam someone not say somebody was thinking of scamming and say their guilty

Gummy is a fuckin shit stain. Company members give other company members discounts to help them out. Gummy is just a classless low life where he takes the discount and sells the item leaving his own company member wonder what happened. The company member could've easily sold on their own for the profits.. Goes with the saying "nice guys finish last" Gummy is also a classless douche as whenever you show him a ship thru exchange he clicks confirm hopig you do so he can take your ship. Don't say this has never happened because we all haerd the rumors. FriendsBuilders maybe top company in London but respect wise they shit. Classless scumbags like Gummy will continue to weigh down their reputation.
Gummy is no better than Enternal of SL or Wolffag/Barto/ChinkPo x- members of PAC. Atleast Wolf is a descent maritimer too. Gummy sucksssss!!

haha , i remember when he cant even kill portugese navy , he has to take turtle ship out and then gave up , stupid asshole

Wen zhi
you two noobs are just made he made a profit off of your laziness haha freaking noobs do a freaking price check next time and stop whining lol

I am not a reseller nor scammer , all i did was just selling things that i dont need anymore

i love u George

Ming Mei
'I am not a reseller nor scammer'
lmao what is it when you buy ships off players/shout all day to buy ships cheap, then sell for more than they're worth later? and doing this even from friends(which is shit to do).
and what is it when you go around veiwing player's ship and clicking confirm, what would you do if the seller mistakenly clicked confirm too?

im not a scammer , nor reseller , and i've never did that , all i did was tell other people that thier ship is stupid , and i lied to them so i can buy it for a cheapper price , im just helping the economy , also if any girl needs help , feel free to ask me , but i refuse to help boys

Gummy is a fuckin shit stain. Company members give other company members discounts to help them out. Gummy is just a classless low life where he takes the discount and sells the item leaving his own company member wonder what happened. The company member could've easily sold on their own for the profits.. Goes with the saying "nice guys finish last" Gummy is also a classless douche as whenever you show him a ship thru exchange he clicks confirm hopig you do so he can take your ship. Don't say this has never happened because we all haerd the rumors. FriendsBuilders maybe top company in London but respect wise they shit. Classless scumbags like Gummy will continue to weigh down their reputation.
Gummy is no better than Enternal of SL or Wolffag/Barto/ChinkPo x- members of PAC. Atleast Wolf is a descent maritimer too. Gummy sucksssss!!

They aren't ^_^ . I am. I am a noob maritimer yes, it's true. You can bring it up to my face and I would smile and admit, idc? So what if I am not good? Doesn't mean I am failing in life. Now, about the ship trade,
I actually do keep record of the ships I have and had.
MSTS- from MilenaReis 5b, +100 SSIP and traded for CSTS (WOLF_FANG)
MIS from Zeyrion, (FB) Buy FFCV+10b, Sold to Islam for 15b
MLA-Fanta (My friend) 35b, trade away with ATS for AATS
FIS- XiaoCao (25b), +5b and traded for FATS ticket
FATS- WOLF_FANG (FATS ticket +MKW +3b)
FLC- IkeaGirl (10b) -Sold for 9.5b
MLS- Tbox and self modded, sold to Oijidark for 12.4b + 2 D-storm
FHK- cml for 4b, sold for 5b
FT- Xxuan (3b), traded for MTC 7/7
FFCV- N/A (10b), sold 9.5b (N/A)
ETC- bought for 9b from FlushingToilet :)
:) If selling the FHK 1b more expensive then I originally got it from CML 5 months ago is reselling, then I AM a reseller.
But I view myself as a ship Trader, I love ships that were modded nicely with a purpose, don't we all? I ask to view every single ships out there in Seville and say thank you every time. I am sorry if I can't give an offer? I am not interested and I don't have the money to buy every ship I look like to look at.
Don't insult Friend Builders, ever. We have the most friendly environment here, everyone are nice, experienced and loving players. We are well respected by every player in GAMMA for our neutrality and unification.
I am Capt.Gummy/Capt.GummBear, my name is Phi Tran and I am member of Friend Builders~,Student of Arizona State University and a Christian. Stay in the shadow and disrespect me if u like but you are more then welcome to discuss in with me in game if you dare :)

Answer these 4 questions and don't lie
1.How many ships has Gummy Actually stolen (confirmed)?
2.Did Gummy HIMSELF ask for a discount from your company mate or was it just given to him?
3.Did Gummy say He needed to use the ship so give him a discount?
4.Could clicking the confirm button be a mistake? / what ships has gummy stolen this way?

Gummy is a fuckin shit stain. Company members give other company members discounts to help them out. Gummy is just a classless low life where he takes the discount and sells the item leaving his own company member wonder what happened. The company member could've easily sold on their own for the profits.. Goes with the saying "nice guys finish last" Gummy is also a classless douche as whenever you show him a ship thru exchange he clicks confirm hopig you do so he can take your ship. Don't say this has never happened because we all haerd the rumors. FriendsBuilders maybe top company in London but respect wise they shit. Classless scumbags like Gummy will continue to weigh down their reputation.
Gummy is no better than Enternal of SL or Wolffag/Barto/ChinkPo x- members of PAC. Atleast Wolf is a descent maritimer too. Gummy sucksssss!!

See Lewis wont answer the 4 questions he just keeps copying and pasting the same thing over and over because he is either lying or he just wants to be right...stop avoiding the questions and answer them

well , we all have the reason to "keep off the record"
noi nhieu` bo' m` thick' disrespect da'y , scammer con` thich noi' lam' dit. con me. nha` friend builder , di.t me con cho'

Gummy is a fuckin shit stain. Company members give other company members discounts to help them out. Gummy is just a classless low life where he takes the discount and sells the item leaving his own company member wonder what happened. The company member could've easily sold on their own for the profits.. Goes with the saying "nice guys finish last" Gummy is also a classless douche as whenever you show him a ship thru exchange he clicks confirm hopig you do so he can take your ship. Don't say this has never happened because we all haerd the rumors. FriendsBuilders maybe top company in London but respect wise they shit. Classless scumbags like Gummy will continue to weigh down their reputation.
Gummy is no better than Enternal of SL or Wolffag/Barto/ChinkPo x- members of PAC. Atleast Wolf is a descent maritimer too. Gummy sucksssss!!

aww leave gummy alone, you should be thankful, if it wasnt for gummy, URB wouldnt have many ships :P

I rest my case its easy to see you guys are just trolls because you wont answer the questions after being asked twice already until you answer the question then all of you gummy trollers are liars and ivyro trolls...now asking you for the THIRD TIME!
1.How many ships has Gummy Actually stolen (confirmed)?
2.Did Gummy HIMSELF ask for a discount from your company mate or was it just given to him?
3.Did Gummy say He needed to use the ship so give him a discount?
4.Could clicking the confirm button be a mistake? / what ships has gummy stolen this way?

nobody goes around seville asking to veiw ships, clicking on confirm, without even offering for the ship, stfu gummy, youre a scumbag, resells ships from comp members

Xiao Wei
btw im not gummy im just trying to get to the bottom of what happened but you keep avoiding my questions...why is that?

Because if people give more details, people will know who from inside F-B was fooled by him, and no one want to expose their friends and cause them trouble in their company.

In other words you are saying you can come here and talk trash about someone but you don't want to elaborate more on the situation or reveal who you are? So this whole thing is pure bullshit just trolls causing trouble on ivyro as usual. Either you reveal exactly what happened and who you are or stop talking about it PERIOD

Wouldn't it be the other way around? If they found out Gummy Scammed a comp member, wouldn't he be removed from comp? Your logic is dumb is fuck.

Ming Mei
Can you guys stop arguing on ivyro? Literally every item's comment section is flooded with people arguing over whether or not some person is a scammer...
Please keep the comments relating to the item... please

CaptGummy is a player? I thought he was NPC in Seville. Maritmer? lol yea right

Meng Meng
:)) Look at all the keyboard hero, hiding in the shadow throwing stone at people. What about you? lol

Mei Hua
All the people that came up here to make fun of gummy, prob were sunk by him. They can't do much back so they decided to, " Hey, lets go up ivory, stir shit up and have drama!". And by the way, he never really called himself a maritimer, he said trader all the time so yes, you got sunk by a noob trader.

Meng Meng
if gummy isn't reseller who is reseller?like the fanta reseller dog

You, since you know so well about gummy and other re sellers. And s what if he resells? Not you damn business. Drama queen.

shit Gummy fk

Xiao Wei
This whole thing had nothing to do with getting sunk by gummy at all
This whole thing got started because some idiot from friend builders company sold gummy a ship he was trying to get rid of then he sees gummy trying to sell it for more profit later on the guy gets jealous because he felt gummy would make more $ than he did on the ship so the moron comes on to ivyro talking shit about gummy like and idiot. Friend builders the company of friendship and fucking jealous whiny cry baby bitches

"And by the way, he never really called himself a maritimer, he said trader all the time"
Trader? lol this game has traders? and i don't mean trading by reselling or leaving alts on bazaar in seville. Not since when spice trade was still alive when there were at least some players who genuinely know how to trade.

Eh, there's a thing called " Nanban Trading" if you are too busy in dungeon to know. And Xiao Wei, which ship are we talking about? Bring up the case and the names or it never happened.

Can we stop? Like... I have been selling ships only for myself? Like you guys don't even know me and you guys act like Gods up here. What ship did I sell buy from my comp? Stop making things up. No FB members complained, no one in seville complained so plz drop it. Or come Seville door keeper talk 1 on 1.

Meng Meng
Beatrice I tried to get names and I asked 3 times for the details of the deal but if you look a little further back through the comments the moron refused to reveal their names and what was scammed and the details so I think they are just trolls and liars

stop acting innocence gummy, someone in merchant chat tells that you clicked confirm when looking at his ship hoping he accidentally do so too. whats your excuse on that?

How does he know I clicked Confirmed? He can come here 1 on 1 with me in seville to talk it out. I don't need an excuse. I have been seeing ships in seville for the last 5-6 months here and not a single person complained about their ship was transfered to me accidentally. How does he explain that then?

@Beatrice fact is 90% of so called nanban traders doesn't know what they're doing. What can most of those do other than trade Wine to japan? The number of skilled players in the game is going down the shits day by day. The same for maritimers, it's mostly either god gears or turtles these days. Adventurers are probably the least affected but even then the economy is leaving them behind so much that adventuring seems more tedious than exciting now.

I mean, non of you guys bring out your Main, or your in game name at all stoning me without proof, case or witness. Just blankly cussing and making stuff up, then who the hell do I stand up against then?

Meng Meng
when u trade and u click confirm , the other guy can see it u stupid asshole

scammers , pff , just shut up , if u dont do anything wrong no one will complain here

And what if he made it up? Does he have proof to back it up? Lol. And lets say Oopse, he accidetally click confirm too haha, is that my fault? Or was it an accident. If Accident, I can click on it my accident too? And if its my fault, pretty much his fault too for being an idiot as well. You fight a battle you know you can't win. You are a liar and bully and a coward who will only hide under Meng Meng's name.

I am amaze how unreasonable people can be. All they can do is cussing and insult people in the dark and yet can prove anything. Bunch of drama queens

Gummy you are being trolled by somebody who just wants attention the fact that they won't reveal names or answer my 4 questions about the deal for the forth time I asked shows they're lying and made it up and I won't waste any more time responding and you shouldn't either. You guys need a life for real

Gummy is a rolegold supporter. This is the kind of stuff you don't need to worry about when you use URB. $1usd=85mil

misun's right. if nothing wrong, there's no complain. although usual ivyro baseless accuse is because some idiots getting sunk and tried to get back at them here. but since you sunk no one, its your scamming ship trading seems to be the only explanation to this.

Can we please please please stop and talk about the helmet instead? No one got proof and yet everyone wanna judge. Stop poluting IVORY

Don't try to derail this thread you scammer

Wen zhi
Unwibeinipt said:
Sinon, pour le Apple TV, j'ai jou茅 avec, c'est bien. Si tu as un iPad/iPhone/iPod, tu peux naviguer avec Safari sur ton appareil, et "garocher" le contenu vid茅o sur Apple TV. a peut faire la job, si les vid茅os que tu lis sont compatibles avec le syst猫me de la Pomme.锘緼pple vaut plus que Microsoft Jean No, 48 ans, viticulteur et trufficulteur en Charente Maritime, est en compagnie de Sandrine et Nathalie, deux prendantes que tout oppose : l'une, 34 ans, vient de rion parisienne et la seconde, 49 ans, est originaire du Lot et Garonne. Pour cette nouvelle journ, Jean No a did?d'organiser un te ?te avec chacune d'entre elles au volant de son tracteur?Cette proximit?permettra t elle aux uns et aux autres de se projeter un peu plus dans l'avenir ?锘縟u 4 juillet 2011 A d茅faut, leurs ma卯tres pourront se procurer de la nourriture pour chiens aupr猫s du concierge, ou, pour les truffes les plus d茅licates, passer commande aupr猫s du room service.锘縟ans une machine Harc猫lement juridique au nom de l en Egypte. Les islamistes multiplient les proc猫s contre les intellectuels.29 mai 1995 脿 04:40Aujourd'hui, Nasr Hamed Abou Zeid, professeur d'arabe 脿 l'universit茅 du Caire, et sa femme Ibtihal Youn猫s seront fix茅s sur leur sort au terme d'un cauchemar juridique qui dure depuis bient么t deux ans. Un collectif d'avocats islamistes a en effet demand茅 qu'il soit s茅par茅 de son 茅pouse parce que ses travaux universitaires, dans lesquels il plaide pour une lecture critique des textes fondateurs de l'islam, font de lui un apostat. La charia, la loi islamique, interdit toute union entre une musulmane et un non musulman. Un tribunal de Guiza avait repouss茅 en janvier 1994 la demande des avocats islamistes en premi猫re instance, au motif qu'ils n'avaient pas d'int茅r锚t personnel dans cette affaire. Mais ils sont revenus 脿 la charge et la cour d'appel doit maintenant rendre son verdict.L'affaire Abou Zeid est la plus spectaculaire mais assur茅ment pas la seule de ce genre. Les tribunaux 茅gyptiens font face 脿 une multiplication des proc猫s intent茅s par des membres de la n茅buleuse islamiste 脿 des 茅crivains, artistes ou journalistes. Il s'agit d'un plan soigneusement mis au point afin d'intimider tous ceux qui pensent dans ce pays, accuse Mohamed Sa茂d Al Ashmawi, ancien juge et auteur de plusieurs ouvrages o霉 il reproche aux islamistes de s'approprier le Coran 脿 des fins politiques. Il est poursuivi par un obscur avocat, Sayed Abdel Rahman, ainsi que 24 autres journalistes et collaborateurs du magazine gouvernemental, Rose Al Youssef, dans lequel il 茅crit r茅guli猫rement. Il faut ajouter Naguib Mahfouz 脿 cette liste: le 14 octobre, le prix Nobel de litt茅rature avait 茅chapp茅 脿 un attentat islamiste. Tous encourent une peine de six mois 脿 trois ans de prison pour atteinte 脿 l'islam. Si le juge applique la loi, estime Al Ashmawi, aucun d'entre nous ne sera condamn茅. Mais comme le corps judiciaire est largement infiltr茅 par les islamistes et que l'on ne sait jamais ce qui peut se passer. souvenez vous de l'Emigr茅 de Chahine, interdit en premi猫re instance avant que le tribunal corrige cela en appel.Chahine, justement, fait l'objet quant 脿 lui d'un v茅ritable tir de barrage judiciaire. Depuis le 29 mars, date 脿 laquelle son film a 茅t茅 autoris茅 脿 nouveau, deux recours en annulation du jugement ont 茅t茅 d茅pos茅s par deux avocats diff茅rents. Enfin, le film fait aussi l'objet d'une demande d'interdiction par un avocat copte, Hosni Himi Abadir, qui reproche 脿 Chahine d'avoir trahi l'histoire biblique de Joseph, alors qu'au contraire ses censeurs islamistes l'accusent de s'en 锚tre inspir茅.Les plaintes d茅pos茅es par les islamistes se font de plus en plus sophistiqu茅es. L'avocat qui nous attaque, explique Adel Hamouda, r茅dacteur en chef de Rose Al Youssef, a d茅pos茅 des plaintes s茅par茅es afin que chaque cas donne lieu 脿 un proc猫s. De plus, il nous a tra卯n茅s devant la cour criminelle, ce qui oblige chaque journaliste incrimin茅 脿 锚tre pr茅sent aux audiences le concernant, comme un vulgaire malfaiteur. Cette affaire va prendre beaucoup de temps et nous co没ter une fortune en frais d'avocats. A l'inverse, le harc猫lement juridique ne co没te pas cher: moins de 40 F par plainte. Comme le faisait r茅cemment remarquer Oussama Salama, journaliste 脿 Rose Al Youssef, dans un article vengeur: Si vous 锚tes un obscur avocat en manque de clien

Unwibeinipt said:
Sinon, pour le Apple TV, j'ai jou茅 avec, c'est bien. Si tu as un iPad/iPhone/iPod, tu peux naviguer avec Safari sur ton appareil, et "garocher" le contenu vid茅o sur Apple TV. a peut faire la job, si les vid茅os que tu lis sont compatibles avec le syst猫me de la Pomme.锘緼pple vaut plus que Microsoft Jean No, 48 ans, viticulteur et trufficulteur en Charente Maritime, est en compagnie de Sandrine et Nathalie, deux prendantes que tout oppose : l'une, 34 ans, vient de rion parisienne et la seconde, 49 ans, est originaire du Lot et Garonne. Pour cette nouvelle journ, Jean No a did?d'organiser un te ?te avec chacune d'entre elles au volant de son tracteur?Cette proximit?permettra t elle aux uns et aux autres de se projeter un peu plus dans l'avenir ?锘縟u 4 juillet 2011 A d茅faut, leurs ma卯tres pourront se procurer de la nourriture pour chiens aupr猫s du concierge, ou, pour les truffes les plus d茅licates, passer commande aupr猫s du room service.锘縟ans une machine Harc猫lement juridique au nom de l en Egypte. Les islamistes multiplient les proc猫s contre les intellectuels.29 mai 1995 脿 04:40Aujourd'hui, Nasr Hamed Abou Zeid, professeur d'arabe 脿 l'universit茅 du Caire, et sa femme Ibtihal Youn猫s seront fix茅s sur leur sort au terme d'un cauchemar juridique qui dure depuis bient么t deux ans. Un collectif d'avocats islamistes a en effet demand茅 qu'il soit s茅par茅 de son 茅pouse parce que ses travaux universitaires, dans lesquels il plaide pour une lecture critique des textes fondateurs de l'islam, font de lui un apostat. La charia, la loi islamique, interdit toute union entre une musulmane et un non musulman. Un tribunal de Guiza avait repouss茅 en janvier 1994 la demande des avocats islamistes en premi猫re instance, au motif qu'ils n'avaient pas d'int茅r锚t personnel dans cette affaire. Mais ils sont revenus 脿 la charge et la cour d'appel doit maintenant rendre son verdict.L'affaire Abou Zeid est la plus spectaculaire mais assur茅ment pas la seule de ce genre. Les tribunaux 茅gyptiens font face 脿 une multiplication des proc猫s intent茅s par des membres de la n茅buleuse islamiste 脿 des 茅crivains, artistes ou journalistes. Il s'agit d'un plan soigneusement mis au point afin d'intimider tous ceux qui pensent dans ce pays, accuse Mohamed Sa茂d Al Ashmawi, ancien juge et auteur de plusieurs ouvrages o霉 il reproche aux islamistes de s'approprier le Coran 脿 des fins politiques. Il est poursuivi par un obscur avocat, Sayed Abdel Rahman, ainsi que 24 autres journalistes et collaborateurs du magazine gouvernemental, Rose Al Youssef, dans lequel il 茅crit r茅guli猫rement. Il faut ajouter Naguib Mahfouz 脿 cette liste: le 14 octobre, le prix Nobel de litt茅rature avait 茅chapp茅 脿 un attentat islamiste. Tous encourent une peine de six mois 脿 trois ans de prison pour atteinte 脿 l'islam. Si le juge applique la loi, estime Al Ashmawi, aucun d'entre nous ne sera condamn茅. Mais comme le corps judiciaire est largement infiltr茅 par les islamistes et que l'on ne sait jamais ce qui peut se passer. souvenez vous de l'Emigr茅 de Chahine, interdit en premi猫re instance avant que le tribunal corrige cela en appel.Chahine, justement, fait l'objet quant 脿 lui d'un v茅ritable tir de barrage judiciaire. Depuis le 29 mars, date 脿 laquelle son film a 茅t茅 autoris茅 脿 nouveau, deux recours en annulation du jugement ont 茅t茅 d茅pos茅s par deux avocats diff茅rents. Enfin, le film fait aussi l'objet d'une demande d'interdiction par un avocat copte, Hosni Himi Abadir, qui reproche 脿 Chahine d'avoir trahi l'histoire biblique de Joseph, alors qu'au contraire ses censeurs islamistes l'accusent de s'en 锚tre inspir茅.Les plaintes d茅pos茅es par les islamistes se font de plus en plus sophistiqu茅es. L'avocat qui nous attaque, explique Adel Hamouda, r茅dacteur en chef de Rose Al Youssef, a d茅pos茅 des plaintes s茅par茅es afin que chaque cas donne lieu 脿 un proc猫s. De plus, il nous a tra卯n茅s devant la cour criminelle, ce qui oblige chaque journaliste incrimin茅 脿 锚tre pr茅sent aux audiences le concernant, comme un vulgaire malfaiteur. Cette affaire va prendre beaucoup de temps et nous co没ter une fortune en frais d'avocats. A l'inverse, le harc猫lement juridique ne co没te pas cher: moins de 40 F par plainte. Comme le faisait r茅cemment remarquer Oussama Salama, journaliste 脿 Rose Al Youssef, dans un article vengeur: Si vous 锚tes un obscur avocat en manque de clien

LOL Gummy reseller is spamming

Meng Meng
the fact that gummy tried to hide the comments against him by spamming make it more obvious that he is indeed in the wrong in this case.

Xiao Wei
I don't know Gummy very personally, we've never really talked other then when I made a trade to him for MLA + ATS. I got a good roll and landed a TB.
Since I was pleased with the deal, the level of patience and that the seller was kind. I'll give gummy a +1 for his trade.
Not looking to argue, or hate the haters or anything, just my unbiased opinion and experience of how the trade was established and executed.
IGN: Arkiels
PS: Still looking for this helm PM in game.

Who cares? Gummy bart enternal wolffang blah blah blah. People come here for help, not idiot remarks about resellers. Get a life, trying bully someone in a game, tells me you have a very small penis.

Gummy is from Vietnamn, from which not many players could afford NC purchase. Thus the only option left to remain competitive without ruining the real life is to resell and rip off others.

Li Yue
#1. You can't even spell Vietnam right, you need to go back to school
#2. That's very racist and rude of you to judge a person base on the country he is from.
#3. Gummy has been selling NC to me before, over 10 strongbox. Your point is invalid
#4. Rip off? Proof or it never happened. Resell? Proof or it never happened
#5. Leave Drama up on UWO, lease the wiki alone. Item comment only please

DOnt care about them at all! your all noobs by the way just try to test your skills on me and ill sink all of you. pity you all!

I don't get it. I have seen the guy talking, online every single fucking day in Seville. Why don't you guys bring it up to him there? Why spam here if you are not a noob, if you aren't a scammer and if you aren't a reseller but on the good side?

WTB this helm pm please. btw gummy is a good person!

Li Yue
WTB this pm CarlosAlvaro thx

What is this currently selling for? non forged of course?

Price check ?

5-6b the best of the nonplunderable hats. Good luck even finding a seller

5-6b? Lol

LOL. I bought one for 400mil. 5-6BIL?? rofl

^ reseller

5-6bil? ill sell mine for 3bil! super discount! lolol


3b? I'd be willing to let mine go for 2b if anyone is buying at that price. :)
Listen, don't listen to all those ^ craps.
Actually, don't even listen to any Price Checks in this site; they're all BS. If you want to check the price, just go to world chat ingame.
And as a note, this helmet should not cross 1b mark, its just a helmet.

3b? I'd be willing to let mine go for 2b if anyone is buying at that price. :)

price for non improved with armoursmith's forging tools is 500m-1b.
for those which improved to defence 100-105 is around 15b.
all depends on greed of the seller and your wish to pay over.

Nobody is selling! Youd need to pay atleast 3-4b to even spark interest

This is the best hat on server, nin plunderable. If 100 def gloves are 2b and can be produced by players this nc only hat is much more as there are no more coming on server anytime soon.

Ming Mei
tbh you can craft helmets with 50d and i normally sell them for 100-150m so if you want to pay 3-4b just because of 10atk and the fact that is nonplunderable suit yourself you could buy 40 helmets with that much and im sure you will quit the game before even using 20

and it even has better skills +1 guard +1 tactics instead of sniping which is useless to most players merch knowledge can be nice but not that many people use it so really this helmet is one of the most overrated thigs in this game

Ming Mei
Stop making weak excuses bexause you cant afford one. Your obviously a noob maritimer if you dont understand the true value of this hat. This is the best hat in the game 10 additional attack is big in land battle. The best items of their class always costs more.Players pay 2b for boots with +1 evasion when 100 def boots costs 100m, 80 def gloves are under 1b while 100 def are 2b+. If you want the best items you need to pay for them or other players will. Silver helmet is more attack than this yet is plunderable so players dont pay more than 700m for it. Go ahead and buy a few of them instead. I cant wait to plunder it off your noob head.

The only advantage of this helmet is that cant be plundered (ppl saying). Thats all. Land battle wise, vinland helm is way better to clear dungeons. So this is a fashion hat, if you are really afraid of being defeated. Truth is, you can get a better helm since you dont lose your helm everytime you get plundered, is a random action. Bad luck if you get your helm plundered 3 times in a row. Dumb statement to increase its price by ppl that keep getting kicked in dungeons.

dude seriously 50d helmets go for less than 50m the skills are crap and you can get a reissued silver plated armour to make up for the 10 atk there are plenty ways to get more atk but what matters are your skills not so much your gear yeah it gives you a boost but if you dont have high rank swordplay and swordmastery you are fd no matter how many billions your gear costs

yeah its the same stupid argument as the 12 dura from a military panel +1% it doenst makes a huge diff but everyone bumps the price hundreds of millions just because of that freaking greedy kids that rob their parents of their credit cards

@Ming mei you are mixing stuff horribly 2b for +1evasion boots well thats like 85d less than the leather boots i guess 85d are not as big as 10 atk in land battle you are just someone who wants to sell their stupid helmet to buy more nc ships and your last resort is calling noob to everyone who doesnt wants to pay your stupid overinflated price

Wow the levels of ignorance in this thread are epic. The high dura +boosted 10 attack good defense and the fact this items NON-plunderable i,e. you cannot pillage or melee kill or deck battle kill and win this from an player in pvp thats WHY its so spendy.
Vinland helmet? Sure go for it, have fun going into db if someone strips it off of ya with a pillage.

Meng Meng
you dont need a vinland helmet ask a decent caster and he can make you a 50d cross helmet from a cheap book with cheap mats seriously are you people unable to read or are you the same guy who is trying to sell his
It depends..
Are you a highly competetive player? If yes, then this is the right item for you, but do think about it. 3-15b for a helmet? Think about it again. Tell me if i'm crazy. 3-15b for a piece of helmet! I might not be competetive nor rich, but I know when something reach its limit.
Seriously, this is the reason the economy keeps worsening. Don't blame ESBT, blame you, no all of us. We destroyed our economy because of our greedyness, I mean really? 3-15b for a helmet?
And with that, I leave it to your thoughts. ¬o( ̄- ̄メ)

lalalalala thats funny though, for that price i can buy 6-10 Vineland helmets, and chances of them gettin taken r slim (high storage)so gettin a bunch of other helmets is a much better choice. 3-5 bil. ROFL

spy is obviously gay

This non plunderable, +10 attk and +1 merch knowledge and no longer available, check best pirate in game Br00nX and see which helmet he wear. He wears this one...not just for looks, (which is most ridiculous statement above) increases the effectiveness of item based techniques i.e. pillage order in piracy because +1 merch knowledge. If you are a pirate, this is THE helmet to have and because it so rare it is virtually priceless. All above posts are either trolls or idiots who think they know this game and do not have a clue.

Do not listen to Spy he clueless he posting tutorial videos yet when I sink him i tell him my ship slow cause shipwright job cap rowing at r10 and he reply, "rowing makes ship faster?" He total retard, no business opening his mouth much less try teach others

Holy crap! ignorance in pants! best pirate in game "Br00nX" lol. There is no such thing. +1 Merch knowledge is the traders land battle tech that allows to "combo" with items in land battle. It doesnt increase any item ability besides land battle you ignorant NOOB. +10merch knowledge doesnt give a pillage order a +20 plunder NOOB. And wearing a helm just cause other wears it is even more absurd.

Nicola, all good points except Broonx is FARRRRRR from the best pirate, in fact he sucks. He's not even the best pirate in his "marriage". Marquise is better than him on deck and if they weren't always together Broonx would have many more deaths. How about a real pirate with some Notoriety like Nukeshaw (plundered SSB1 from "best pirate Nellemus") or VictoriaSecret both over 30k Noto. Broonx isn't even top 25. Even KillScrub is better than Broonx.

for me, Nukeshaw is the game's best pirate, he certainly holds the best record for best plunder and from Nellemouse no less. as for Br00nX being best pirate, are you kidding me?

HAHA i NEVER LAUGHED like this best pirate Bronx, must been him typing hahah
Nellenoob was best before he sold his account to Savia. Than Savia died with Nellenoob toon lot of times, even Nukeshaw killed Savia(playing Nellemus toon).
But while real Nellenoob was in game he was best, and it was pleasure trying to hunt him, it was one of things whole my company did for days and months...

Xiao Wei
what company would that be?

merchandise knowledge also lowers gauge required to use items again...very valuable skill with few boosters for dungeon or dbrs

Ming Mei
When you are a trader and enter land battle, your item gauge is 25% faster. Merch Knowledge is just to combo and increase item damage in land.

Ming Mei
it does not lower item recharge time stop lying you people dont land battle so shut your mouths unless your are the elite land battlers Battousai, CPC ,Viking etc your shouldn't be on here giving any more false information about land battle idiot noobs

Wen zhi
You ignorant, read and research first. Traders get 25% faster item gauge, adventurer wait 1 sec less to activate traps, and maritimes get 33% faster weapon gauge. Those are land battle basics. Try to read about mechanics before flaming, or at least open jap wiki first instead NOOB.

the best pirate is feared. its not about the amount of booty but the instilled fear to the people :D

Then if thats the case then Viking is the most feared pirate a god gear wearing faggot
Nobody fears nellemus hes just a pussy always running and hiding and selling out to URB for a quick buck
Br00nx a noob who can fight worth a damn
Ezio snitch pirate?
Killadub gets punked by the other pirates on the server
There is no best pirate on GAMA feared or not all suck and the rest are pussies

no1 fears Viking any more, Viking fears everyone else, hes found he cant compete in deck any more, watch him in seville dueling, youll see him fail and fail. he actually uses a STS now, pirate to be feared? no i dont think so, for 1 he isnt pirate any more, hes outclassed even with his god gear.

Best Pirate?
Let's see, I say Zack. He's quiet and he's usually succesful at piracy regardless of his ways --deck battle-- as it's still considered piracy.
If not, Raider & JoLeNe because they're the true pirates per se, they aren't too nice and help the pirated players.

maybe for now we got no good pirates anymore all have "deficiency" maybe someday someone from the group might have the "thing" that we all find and considered as "quality" of a true pirate :D

Then there's no such thing nor will there ever be.
Everyone wants to be that, thus when one emerge he/she will be bashed significantly. That's how the community rolls and yes its horrible :I

There is no such thing anymore as feared pirate.
There is no pirate anymore about traders and school people talk whole day.
There is no pirate who make people afraid go somewhere...
In old times it was Nellemouse but he sold his account(yes he escaped BH but he made traders fear to go to India because everyone knew he is there), and after that no one step up to replace him.

Ezio is the most feared in world chat. When he starts talking women scream and children cry.

CA -Ezio-Auditore-
Im a CA! Show me proper respect!

LOL ezio says: i no will repond any question on world chat,i need play. and now neeed respect for be a Ca, a Ca need respond all question and help all.

Ming Mei
Take screen, send to gm. no more CA ezio , done.

Oh no!!!!

I think CA LordZiad would be a step up from Ezio

CA Ezio
Keep talking shit about me on ivyro and I will report and snitch to the GM on all of you!

And the reward for this potato talking goes to.... Ezio? Or Gummy?

am comming back ezio, just updating my pc. i will show how the real fuck,, lol ca ezio, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH omg i want to come back :((((((((, i will show you how to keep bugging ppl xD!! am coming back for whole GAMA server not only for ezio

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So how much for this these days?

i have one for sell :
ign: SgtlCava_RO_ pm me

Li Yue
WTS 2x1 FGCH , 5bil each, pm me resellerbabi
Available once again as of the May 30th updated Premium Bottle.
price check please
500m now or even less so i would say 200m or 100m if extreme lucky
well I did a price check in game world:merchant chat and shout in Seville
2 players gave me estimates in private chat
1: 700m - 1b
1: 1.5b
but odd that nobody would give me an answer in world:merchant or by shouting only in private
well ill sell it at 1.5b leave IGN if your interested
I am WTB for 1B, please PM in game: OjosDeAzul - Ty! :)
No longer the top maritime helm in game! The new king lanling mask is 10 more attack than this, and has superior bonuses.
is this the highest def headgear?
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