From the limited time recipe "Landsknecht Clothing Patterns" (available during World Clock: 15th Century, Phases 4 and 5) -- speak to Item Shop's Shopkeeper. R14 Sewing required.
Cotton Fabric x20
Lace x20
Leather Cord x20
5k total fame to equip, no gender restrictions, color-custom.
Stats: +1 Swordplay
I made this clothes with the Age Effect Item 15C
Bonnet de Marianne EX, also I found the recipe appeared with 16C Age Item
Knight's Stiletto EX. This recipe disappeared when I remove "Knight's Stiletto EX" from my toon. So a certain 16C ?? can make us craft the outfit except 16C 5.
The recipe should have appeared if the required age included 16C 5 since the World Clock atm points out 16C 5 however, the recipe didn't appear when I didn' equip "Stilletto EX".
In short, this Recipe requires
15C 4, 5
16C ?? except 5 phase.