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      선인의 지혜를 전달한다는 것
      기한 45일
      암스테르담 모험가조합
      Good work on those old documents. The Scholar has now requested you in name. Seems their translation work has increased because of you. They're waiting anxiously, so meet them and get the details.

                        1. 암스테르담 서고 - Amsterdam Scholar x2
                        3. 리스본 디아스 제독 저택 - Admiral Dias x2
                        5. 마르세이유 프랑소와 라블레 저택 - Francois Rabelais x2
                        7. 나폴리 캄파넬라 저택 - Thomas Campanella x2

                        번역서 작성 1 1 1
                        To relay the will of the forefathers

                        1. Same as the previous time
                        I was waiting for you! There is no time. Getting right to it, I want you to deliver thease translations in the order that I tell you. ...Same as previously, the second half is not finished... . But I think you can do it. Now, I will tell you the destinations...

                        2. The various destinations
                        Latin for Admiral Dias in Lisbon, Hebrew for Rabelais in Marsielles, and Egyptian for Campanella in Naples. You must tell everyone in these various languages. You can learn French in this town.

                        3. To Admiral Dias
                        It's a translation from the scholar in Amsterdam. Now, let me confirm your work...

                        4. Completed delivery to Admiral Dias
                        ...Hm. It's done well. I have always wanted to read this collection of poetry written in Latin. Thank you for delivering it. I am grateful.

                        5. To Francois Rabelais
                        You delivered the translation from the scholar in Amsterdam. Let me see...

                        6. Completed delivery to Francois Rabelais
                        ...Hm. The religious rituals and commandments written in this book are highly intriguing. It just flows into my head, possibly because of the good translation. I must thank you for delivering it.

                        7. To Thomas Campanella
                        Sure. This is the translation commissioned to the scholar in Amsterdam. Let me read it...

                        8. Completed deliver to Thomas Campanella
                        I almost gave up, thinking I could not get my hands on the translation of Egyptian mythology, but it was worth the wait. ...What? The second half seems to have difference translation, this is...? ......Hehe. You seem to be a great translator yourself.

                        9. Completed delivery of the translation
                        You finished the translation in time and delivered it. Take your payment. The ideas of the ancestors will be passed on, even as the language changes.



                        Reward: Money, 173 Exp, 108 Fame, Interpretation Permit (At Lv50 Adv)

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