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            Palace in Hanyang
            No Expiration
            Istanbul Adventurer's Guild
            This is a request for a voyager who's reached the Korean region of East Asia. Apparently there's a royal palace in Hanyang. This is a request about that. The requester is a certain noble. I wonder if they're interested in other castles? Feel free to get some info from the official in Hanyang.
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                          [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[DBLINK:10000174] - Talk to City Official 2.[DBLINK:10000174] - Talk to Tavern Keeper 3.[DBLINK:10000174] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000016] near the castle in the top right corner of town. Unlocks: [IMG:31][QUEST:99996872] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Significance of palace That palace is a symbol of the dynasty. Build when the dynasty was established, the king lives here and discusses politics with his subjects. Inside there is the main hall used mostly for controlling government, and supposedly a place for the king to deepen his relations with his people. The king and his subjects recite poems about their love for nature there. [IMG:01] Nameo of palace The name of the palace was made with the prayer that blessings and peace would fall upon the king, his descendants, and all of us. Did you see the magnificent gates? There's a palace in those depths. You can see it from far away, too, right? [IMG:06] King's palace of Joseon Dynasty Collected information concerning the royal palace of the Korean dynasty. There is apparently a palace beyond the castle gates in the city. View the gates from the castle and make your report.

                            • Discovery
                            • Gyeongbok Palace ★★★★ (Historic site) Exp:620 Fame:258
                              An exquisite palace that was built for the royal family during the Joseon Dynasty.
                              The name was given with the hope that the king, his descendants, and all of the citizenry would be blessed with great peace.

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