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The rainbow-coloured gift
No Expiration
Genoa Adventurer's Guild
You researched macaws in the Caribbean, right? Well, an aristocrat here who heard about that wants you to rescue a rainbow-coloured bird. Just go talk to them.


- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005309] - Talk to Young Noble x2 (by the Church)
2.[ZONE:90005604] - Talk to Gatekeeper x2
3.[ZONE:90005309] - Talk to Young Noble
[IMG:01] 1. Love at first sight
I've been waiting for you. Think you could take this macaw here and release it into the wild for me? I got the thing from a trader a while back - I just couldn't resist how beautiful it was. But...
[IMG:01] 2. Beating wings itself through nature
I tried to give it all the love I could, but it just never took to me, so I've decided to set it free. The world needs its beauty more than I do anyhow. The trader I got it from said he got it in San Domingo.
[IMG:01] 3. Unthought-of situation
You want to set the bird free? Alright, give it here. There's some sorta ruckus about out there, so I'll take care of this for you. 'nStrange, it doesn't want to leave your side. It's sure gotten used to people... Hmm...
[IMG:01] 4. Request unfulfilled
You know, that thing's been so domesticated that it might not be able to handle life on its own. If it's the bird you're concerned about, I'd say its better off living with people. Thanks for coming all this way, but you should talk this over with its master.
[IMG:06] 5. To the owner's side
You weren't able to set the Macaw free. You should return to Genoa and speak with its master. Once you explain what's happened, he's bound to understand.
Young Noble(Genoa)
[IMG:06] To the owner's side
I see. My lack of sufficient care has made this bird more unhappy. ...Although you know I am selfish, please hear my selfish request. Could you please take care of it? I know I can trust you if I give it to you and it's the best way for it as well. First, I'll leave it with a trainer.
Anyone know more information about this quest? Is there a chain? What are the prequests?