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      Memory of stone
      No Expiration
      Naples Adventurer's Guild
      Thanks to your discovery of what seems to be a tabernacle, it has caused quite a stir in related areas. It would have been alright if it was discovered together with the stone tablets engraved with the Ten Commandments of Moses, like in the bible... that reminds me, the Scholar has something else that he would like to tell you. It seems he has a new request for you
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                  [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005307] - Talk to Scholar x3 2. [ZONE:90001008] - Click Large Boulder (Upper North of map) 3. [ZONE:90005398] - Talk to Youth x2 4. [ZONE:90001007] - Click Human Bones x2 5. [ZONE:90005178] - Talk to Angelina 6. [ZONE:90005204] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020] [IMG:Quest_Chain] Ark of the Covenant of the Ten Commandments Series [IMG:21][QUEST:99994943] [IMG:22][QUEST:99994913] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994982] [IMG:24][QUEST:99994985] [IMG:25][QUEST:99994989] [IMG:26][QUEST:99994991] [IMG:27][QUEST:99994990] [IMG:28][QUEST:99997383] [IMG:29]Currently here [IMG:Obtained_Info] To find the last person to talk to, before making the discovery, you have to solve a riddle. The riddle is given in the 7th and 8th boxes (human bones outside Beirut). The riddle is explained below. If you want to solve the riddle yourself then do not read this. *** Start Spoiler *** Boxes 7 and 8 give this information: “This is the land of my beginning. Like the stone tablet, my memories were carved here. You who follow close after me and overtake me, when your business is settled, turn this to dust and scatter it in the wind. Six Sailors stand in the land of the beginning. Will they guide you to memories of the stone lying in a chasm of eternal rebirth? The bud’s head has just appeared…” “The Dutch Sailor looks at today. The Venetian Sailor recalls three weeks ago. The Portuguese Sailor looks back at one week ago. The French Sailor runs their thoughts back to yesterday. The Spanish Sailor remembers 12 days ago. The English Sailor stares at two days from now. Thereafter, lies a place to return to and rest.” Explanation: - ‘Six Sailors stand in the land of the beginning’: Those are the 6 capital cities were you can start your journey in UWO. - ‘The bud’s head has just appeared’: This means that you have to use the capital letter (first letter) of the capital city in the riddle - The starting cities of each sailors (Dutch, Venetian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, English) -> (Amsterdam, Venice, Lisabon, Marseille, Seville, London) -> (A, V, L, M, S, L) - These letter correspond to these numbers (A, V, L, M, S, L) -> (1, 22, 12, 13, 19, 12) in the alphabet. - For example from Amsterdam zero days are subtracted or added to. The Venetian Sailor (Venice) three weeks are subtracted, which means three times seven days, is minus 21. Thus the change in numbers per letter is (0, -21, -7, -1, -12, +2) - The change is thus (1, 22, 12, 13, 19, 12) + (0, -21, -7, -1, -12, +2) = (1, 1, 5, 12, 17, 14) - This corresponds to (1, 1, 5, 12, 17, 14) – (A, A, E, L, G, N) in the alphabet. AAELGN is an anagram for ANGELA, the barmaid in London. Very fun riddle! Destry *** End Spoiler ***

                    • Discovery
                    • The Ten Commandments ★★★★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:1235 Fame:425
                      Stone tablets inscribed with the ten commandments said to have been given to Moses by God, in the Old Testament. The Bible says that they were stored in the Ark of the Covenant.

                      All credits for SPY
                      "Memory of a Stone"
                      R13 Search / R15 Theology / R13 Unlock
                      1.) Scholar (Naples)
                      2.) Scholar (Naples)
                      3.) Scholar (Naples)
                      4.) Boulder (Jaffa Outskirts)
                      5.) Youth (Beirut)
                      6.) Youth (Beirut)
                      7.) Human Bones (North Beirut)
                      8.) Human Bones (North Beirut)
                      9.) Angelina (London)
                      10.) Discover it in London Church (Square)

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