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      Scylla & Charybdis
      No Expiration
      Athens Adventurer's Guild
      I heard that you investigated Odysseia. A request to investigate some monsters has come for you personally. No, you're not being asked to fight them, so don't give me that loo. No, what they need is someone with knowledge of Geography. If you're interested, go and talk to the Scholar here in town.
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                      Pre-Quest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99993506] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005429] - Talk to Scholar x5 2. [ZONE:90005344] - Talk to Seafarer x2 3. [ZONE:90000025] - East from [ZONE:90005343] use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000016] Unlock-Quest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99997690] [IMG:31][QUEST:99997263] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] The Monster of Odysseia I realize that the idea of investigating monsters is enough to set anyone back. You are very brave, aren't you? And no, this wasn't just some kind of test. The truth is, I want someone to find out what was behind the monsters that appear in the ancient Greek poem by Homer, Odysseia. [IMG:01] Scylla The monsters were called Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla was said to be a beautiful lady on the top, but to be a fish on the bottom. From her waist protruded six long necks equipped with dog heads and twelve tentacle-like dogs legs. [IMG:01] Charybodis Charybdis was a sea monster that caused a huge whirlpool. Originally it was said to be the daughter of Poseidon, but her gluttony caused her to eat something she was not supposed to and she was punished by Zeus and changed into a sea monster. These two monsters were said to dwell near each other in some strait. [IMG:01] Stronger than Heroes In the poem, Odysseus and his men run into these monsters on his god cursed return from Troy. Focused on avoiding Charybdis, his ship goes to close to Scylla and six of his crew are taken. Even the hero could not cope with these two. [IMG:01] Actual Dangers I believe that the tales refer to some real dangers that exist in that strait. Not monsters, but perhaps some physical or geographical danger. According to my research, the monsters were said to be in the area of Syracuse. Would you please continue the investigation in that area? [IMG:01] Legend of Monsters Where can you find Scylla and Charydbis? Why that's the strait right there once you leave town. I heard that story time and time again as a kid. "There are monsters in that strait, so be careful not to be eaten!" [IMG:01] Rocks and Whirlpools As a kid, I was sure those monsters were there. Come to think of it, the one who came up with those stories got it right on. The strait is narrow and the current through there is strong. Small whirlpools frequently push you off course. If you go there, be careful. [IMG:06] The Monstrous Strait Apparently Scylla and Charybdis refer to the rocks and whirlpools of a narrow strait. Extremely difficult to navigate, it was compared to one of the things that frightened sailors most, sea monsters. We will investigate the strait right out of Syracuse and report this as the truth behind the stories. [DBLINK:70002200]

                        • Discovery
                        • Strait of Messina ★★★★ (Geography) Exp:700 Fame:289
                          A strait situated between the Italian peninsula and the island of Sicily. At its narrowest, it is only from 3-4 km wide and is known for its swift currents.

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