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Feast in Luxor
No Expiration
Tunis Adventurer's Guild
I heard you investigated the interior of the Luxor temples. A request has come in for ya from the scholar Benghazi. He wants ya to collect information on the festival that was held at those temples.
Talk to the request to get started

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Benghazi, Scholar x3
Cairo, Rest House - Blue Clothing Costumer x6
Nile River Middle,Luxor Temple - Interior Temple ( Dungeon Entrance)

Study of Luxor
Hey it's you, the adventurer who searched for the Luxor Temple! I was waiting for someone like you to help me in my researcg.
There's informnation that only adventurers like yourself could grasp. First of all, let's talk about my research.

Beautiful Feast of Opet
I have an intrinsic interest in ruins along the Nile River. One ruin I am deeply interested is in the Luxor Temple on the east coast of the Nile River.In order to understand even just one of the workings of the ruins that temple belongs to, I have turned my attention to "The Beautiful Feast of Opet"

The Mysteries of the Festival
"The Beautiful Feast of Opet" was apparently performed at the Karnak and Luxor Temples, but i was unable to fully investigate it on my own. So I would like to ask you to collect further information. If you go to the Rest Area in Cairo, where i heard the rumours about the feast, someone like yourself might be able to find something out.

Drawn to Tales of Adventures
You're not the adventurer that found he treasure in the Luxor Temple, are you? C'mon tell me about it. I don't want to start a big study or anything, but I love adventure stories. If you'll tell me one, I've got a good story for you, as well.

In Gratitute for Adventure Tale
I see... so even though you found that treasure inside, there are still many mysteries left in the temple. And now you're investigating the festival that was performed near Luxor Temple. so that festival is called, "The Beautiful Feast of Opet"? Well then, I might be able to help you.

Festival Showing Thanks for Fertility
This is a story I heard from man who was travelling the Nile a while ago. On the east coast of the Nile, durijng the flood season, a festival was apparently held where Amun, his wife Mutu, and his son Khonsu visited the god of abundance, Opet.
I suppose the festival was for the people to show their gratitiude for abundant crops.

Festivity of Ceremony
At the festival, there was a sacred ship that carried statues of the three gods, and was carried by the hands of the priests from the Karnak Temple to the Luxor Temple. People play music and gaily send them off. The sacred ship is laid in the place of enshrinement, and the statues of the gods are carried into the inner sanctum. And then 10 days later, the statues are returned to the Karnak.

Remaining Mystery
The Luxor Temple was called "Harem of the South" back then. "The Beautiful Feast of Opet" saw the god Amun and hiswife pass through the Luxor Temple, but it has not been revealed what happpened inside the temple's interior.
A scholar or adventurer will not be satisfied to leave that hidden.

Key to the Mystery Lis in the Ruins?
According to the traveller's story, there appears to be a way to head depper into the Luxor Temples. If you go and search again, you might solve its mysteries. Or the mysteries may become even more complex. such is the nature of adventures. If you find anything interesting, be sure to tell me sometime.

The Path to the Temple's Interior
You've gathered information on "The Beautiful Feast of Opet" that was once held in Luxor. The sacred parts of the ritual are still shrouded in mystery. According to your information, there is a hidden path that leads further into the interior of the Luxor temples.
Make your report while suggesting the possibility of further research.
Report Quest Reward
Quest Mediation Permit

i abandoned the second quest, and now I cannot find it in the quest list??

Try taking (and finishing) another quest from there, before trying to get this one again. I've never been able to pull the same quest back to back, and I assume that abandoning and trying to get the quest again is equivalent to repeating it (insofar as when it will show in the list).

i also abandoned the second quest and i took another quest , and it has not shown up

this quest need fame?

how much fame does this needs?

how much fame needed for this?
I don't know if it is just me, but this quest appeared to me as feast in luxor :)
It unlocks giza mid ^^

Luxor Intermediate (4-8F) thats what this quest opens not Giza and i got it from Tunis with 28k adv fame, also know as Feast of Luxor

Appeared in 3977 confirmed 5100 Maritime fame fame rare adventure query

my bad adventure fame 5.1k

spent 4 qmp with an alt that has 7k fame to get it while a friend w 64k spent 20 and got nothing

Took 16 QMPs to get what a pain

if you guys think spending 10 QMPs to get this quest is bad, your in for some reall heart ache when you get to be higher lvl adventure.

You're so right lo. Sometimes I used 10-30qmps for a 9-10 star quest. Doing Chain quests with other sub quests inside it will take me around 100-150qmps. It just depends on your luck.

I am not sure if you need to search Luxor temple because my quest was completed when I finish my talk with the blue customer and reported it via the maiden at the tavern in Istanbul.

must you have the Hathor Statue on you to get this quest?

must you have the Hathor Statue on you to get this quest?

No, you just need to have completed upper, gotten the discovery out of it (which is Hathor statue - a discovery card, not an item) and reported it.

Ming Mei
"Feast in Luxor", if you're looking for it on GAMA.
pulled it up at 15k fame without any qmps, it came up just like that.
Quest completed in Cario after talking to customer, strange
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