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      The rogue jackal
      No Expiration
      Zanzibar Adventurer's Guild
      You did some research on jackals before didn't you? Well, apparently some jackals have made their way into the town of Natal and it's causing a big scene there. The town official is asking for an Adventurer used to handling animals. Are you up to it?
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              Wild Dogs Map Jackal

              1. Natal - Talk to City Official 2x
              2. Natal - Talk to Young Man 3x (near Craftshop)
              3. Natal - Talk to City Official

              Once your quest is complete and reported, your new pet(s) can be picked up from Pet Trainer NPCs, which are found in each of the 6 European capital cities.

              The town's safety
              So you have come from the Guild about the jackal. Thank you. As the requisition states, a jackal found its way into the village. Fortunately no one has been injured but nevertheless it is a carnivorous beast and what can be done? I say, a request has been issued.

              Stance and real intention
              When the jackal in question was seen in town it looked terribly weak. It has probabled strayed from the pack. The youth of the town nursed it back to good health and children love to hold it. but keeping a ferocious animal in town is not a wise thing to do. Adventurer, can anything be done?

              Understanding and agony
              Ah, a stray jackal you say. It is quite healthy now and should not pose a problem. With the children fondling it so it has found a place among you. However I do understand that it is regarded as dangerous and the townsfolk don't feel safe. It is a clever animal and I think it will be ok...

              Youth's request
              That's right, you could take it away, couldn't you? The best course is to return it to the pack but it is difficult to return a domesticated animal to the wild. You seem to be experienced in the care of animals. Do you think it is possible?

              The thought to entrust
              So you will take care of it? Thank you. The children will miss it but it is best for the animal. Sorry, but could you have a word with the town official? This whole affair has caused some bother.

              With Jackal to open seas
              Care for the stray jackal has been taken over from the youth. It is dangerous to keep a potentially harmful animal in town. Inform the client, i.e., town official, that the jackal has been removed.

              City Official(Natal)

              With Jackal to open seas
              Oh, you have agreed to take care of the jackal? I thank you as a person responsible for the town. But... I think this will cause some hardship to children and younger people... I'd like you to please bring it back to town to let the young people and children see it. I'm counting on you

              Reward: Jackal (Gray) x1 (note, there are actually four possible color variations available for this pet -- reward color is randomly assigned when picking up the Pet Deed from the Trainer NPC)

                • Location
                • Natal

                  Just finished this quest. Reported back at Amsterdam gain 40 Adventure Experience and 24 Adventure Fame.. but didn't got the Jackal Pet Deed.. What is wrong?


                  Xiao Wei
                  Did you talk to the Pet Trainer NPC? All pet deeds have to be picked up from the Trainer NPC following the quest's completion.

                  Pet Trainer NPCs located in capital nations

                  Ming Mei
                  Anyone has any idea what is reconquista updates will give Tomorrow?

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