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Various Ink Paintings
No Expiration
Aden Adventurer's Guild
You know about tigers, aye? Aye, the ferocious animal. We've got a request from an Art Dealer who's heard a rumour of a tiger painting in Korea. It looks like you can get to Korea easy enough, so could you go and gather information in Hanyang?



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- Language/Edit History
1.[DBLINK:10000174] - Talk to Scholar
2.[DBLINK:10000175] - Talk to Barkeep
3.[DBLINK:10000175][ZONE:90005911] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020]
[IMG:01] Li Gonglin
Li Gonglin painted the tiger picture. Li Gonglin was adept at ink paintings and left behind many portraits and paintings of horses. He possessed many law books, paintings, and bronze, and was known as a man of discerning taste. I hear that his paintings are stored somewhere in Busan...
[IMG:01] Various Ink Paintings
Li Gonglin paintings? Ah yes, the painter. He made many types of paintings: portraits, landscape paintings, paintings of animals... He also made paintings based on the poetry of Du Fu. They have some of his works at the mansion here in town.
[IMG:06] Creator and Ink Painting
You have gained not only information on the paintings, but on the painter himself. See the actual paintings in the mansion in Busan and add your impressions to the report.
- Discovery
Li Gonglin Painting ★★★ (Work of art) Exp:440 Fame:200
Drawing of a tiger drawn by the artist, Li Gonglin.Though realistic, the face is slightly comical, giving the tiger a sense of friendliness.