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Landscape within the Body
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Calicut Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from priest. When the priest visited China he saw some unusuak landscape painting said "represented the human body". How could a landscape painting represent human anatomy?



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- Temple Staff (Near Temple, Talk to 2x)
- Monk (Near Gate Keeper, Talk to 3x)
Yuntaisha Mansion - Use Observe and Search

1. In this land, we believe there is a life force that flows trough the body in cycles. Also in Indian yoga, there is an ascetic training method by where one awakens to something called "chakra" and creates flows of energy along the body.

The landscape
2. If that painting has connection to yoga, I'd like to see what landscape is being compared to chakra.
The monk was training in Yuntaishan, so if you ask around there you might be able to find the painting's whereabouts.

What is Neidan?
3. In The beliefs of Taoism, thre is something calles Neidan. It is a training method where the body's internal energy is focused in to a point called Dantian is split into tree sections--top dantian is located around the eyebrows, middle dantian is around chest, and the low datian below the belly button. That picture depicts these points and help with training.

Inside of the body depicted
4. Yes, I suppose dantian and India chakra are similar things. The painting depicts the side of the human torso, expressed trough a landscape. An abstract image is depicted at the points of the dantian in order to show how energy flows trough the body.

Ascetic training done by yourself
5. I cannot tell you how to interpret the depictions on the painting. In the end, you must train yourself. You must flow the laws of nature and the universe, and improve yourself methodically.

Landscape painting of the body
6. The landscape painting seeing by the Indian monk was designed to help with the Taoist training technique called Neidan. It symbolizes the vital points of the body through a depiction of a landscape. Trying to interpet the landscape is an act of training itself. The painting is here at the mansion in town. Go and view the work with your own eyes.
- Discovery
Neijing Tu ★★★ (Work of art) Exp:440 Fame:200
A pictoralization of the Taoist practice of Neidan that depicts aspects of the human body in the form of a landscape painting.
Animals and celestial objects are placed within the diagram with symbolic meaning.